Say no to Asian Faces

<p>Use normal smilies, I command you!</p>

<p>Say NO to ^.^, say YES to :)</p>

<p>Be a true patriot.</p>

Oh snap.</p>

<p>you changed it from a normal smiley >.<</p>

<p>That just looks cross-eyed.</p>

<p>I like these:</p>

<p>=) ; =( ; =D ; =P</p>

<p>Yes. Now those are sexy.</p>




<p>You mean...</p>


<p>My self portrait smiley is unpatriotic? </p>


<p>What the shucks, man? </p>

<p>\(^ ^)/</p>






<p>6(- -)=o))X3X)9</p>


<p>...Are you ready?</p>

<p>I will succumb to the pressure of the American world cops...
There you go. Now please don't invase my country.</p>

<p>(---^_^---) </p>

<p>^_^y </p>

<p>=^_^= </p>

<p>=_= </p>

<p>^v^ </p>


<p>...and that's all I have to say!</p>

<p>L O L</p>



<p>LMFAO. </p>

<p>:] or =] . these are the best smiley facess, duhhh</p>


<pre><code> .

<p>mellow/sad face -.-</p>

<p>"An Asian Smilies Story"</p>

<p>I (^.^) and go all (^.^)? as I (^o^;) </p>

<p>thank you,</p>



<p>I hate smileys :(</p>

<p>asian smileys are efing annoying.
but let asians be asians. its pointless to argue</p>