<p>hi. i applied to harvard and im new to this forum. im surprised no one took this username, and i hope emma watson comes to harvard. you guys all seem pretty qualified, which i guess is pretty scary. peace.</p>
<p>shes going to yale <33</p>
<p>Everyone knows she’s going to Yale. Plus, shes getting married to me there.</p>
<p>But… just in case I’m denied to Yale… she told me would come to Harvard with me.</p>
<p>Oh don’t worry about the stats. Most of the chance threads are just over-qualified (in objectives) people looking for ego boosts from the ooh-la-la’s.</p>
<p>Welcome to College Confidential :)</p>
<p>you are not marrying her, mal. and if you think you have what it to takes to service her well (as in provide for her), i challenge you to a joust when if we get to the same college. god, i love jousting. and what happened about your pig?</p>
<p>Jousting is pretty BA; TP lets start a jousting club. Now I think your mission to get in her pants, I MEAN her heart can end in success. These two things will win any women’s affection (right ladies?): 1. Ability to perform magical lapdances. 2. Ability to out-joust any Ivy Leager (and gain the support of some random king in the crowd even though you faked your lordship credentials to enter the jousting matches in order to escape the low socioeconomic life fate placed you in and to eventually find your stars in order to tell your blind dad, who you had to leave long ago, about your success.)</p>
<p>Hey prophet. I totally ■■■■■■■ that. My alumni interviewer was apparently a member… but he said “it’s not like I can give you a secret pig figurine to get you in… or… can I?”. So I got some inspiration.</p>
<p>^ That sound’s familiar. For some reason It sounds like the plot of a movie… odd.</p>
<p>Poor Emma is going to have an army of suitors. Oh well… she’s mine anyways. I think I’ll introduce myself by pointing a pencil at her and saying “avada kedavra!!”. Then I’ll say Jk!!! marry me.</p>
<p>well, mal, that was embarrassing. for me.</p>
<p>I got to practice stringing a boy and shooting an arrow through small rungs.</p>
<p>It is the plot of a movie :). Whoever figures which movie gets a 10% chance increase for admissions :0.</p>
<p>While you all joust for dear Em’s affections, I’ll be her bff. SO THERE.</p>
<p>a knight’s tale! dude i ****in love that movie! it’s on tv like every week.</p>
<p>damnit all i totally knew that i love that movie. and i really couldve used that 10% boost too lol. if only i had been on this thread 15 mins ago instead of browsing the yale threads haha</p>
<p>Congratulations the prophet, you have been awarded a 10% chance increase automatically added towards your admission to Harvard College.</p>
<p>Best Wishes,
William Fitzsimmons</p>
<p>PS: This does not ensure your admission into Harvard College, nor does it mean Miss Emma Watson will attend Harvard College.</p>
<p>lol…there’s hotter girls at Harvard and/or in the Boston-area than Emma Watson…</p>
<p>are you sure? cuz we have made POEMS about girl woes in the Triple Thoughts Thread.</p>
<p>have you ever been around here?</p>
<li>there’s a ton of colleges so there’s bound to be at least 1 girl hotter than Emma Watson</li>
<li>there’s a ton of people in each college too so there’s bound to be at least 1 girl hotter than Emma Watson</li>
<li>Emma Watson isn’t really all that hot…she looks like she’s just a kid, but I might just have that opinion because she’s played a younger kid in HP</li>
<p>just walk around a college campus for a bit or go to a few college parties</p>
<p>lol i skipped over the part that said “and/or in the Boston-area”. but no, i havent been to boston yet. when do you think would be a good time to go to get the “real feel” of harvard?</p>
<p>When the weathers nice you should visit; I visited,and it was very stupid. I sat in for a one hour presentation/ question time where all these crazy parents asked about every admissions question you can think of. Then we split into groups and some students gave us a “tour”. We went into some buildings, but we did not get to see the dorms, the cool freshman lunch room that looks like Hogwarts, or anything informative/ interesting. Basically, they would walk us up to a dorm building then talk about it for an hour. Everything mentioned in the tour was covered by the presentation, so it was very boring. I just found it interesting how the parents seem like the ones applying to Harvard.</p>