<p>Male Caucasian</p>
<p>Competitive Public in Pennsylvania</p>
<p>4.0/4.7 - straight A's so far</p>
<p>M-790/CR-770/W-760 (1520/2320) Math2-800 Chem-700</p>
<p>APs: Eng. Lang (5), Bio (5), Chem, BC Calc, World, Eng. Lit, Span. Lang.</p>
<p>ECs: 2x Debate (medaled several times in state tournaments)
2x Cross Country (2xstate champs)
4x Beta Club (volunteer work: includes sub-club of mentoring elementary schoolers)
3x Quizbowl
1x Summer Abroad w/ host family (6 weeks)
4x about 200+ hrs. of assorted volunteer work, primarily at a summer camp for
underprivileged kids and animal shelter</p>
<p>Awards: Cornell Book Award, NCTE nominee, NHS, SNHS, probable Nat. Merit Finalist (226), two time national finalist on Nat. Spanish Exam</p>
<p>Essays and Recs are awesome, No Financial Aid</p>
<p>the first 4 are just for kicks, i don't really like them</p>
<p>MIT (legacy), Yale (legacy), Columbia (legacy), Princeton, Skidmore (Legacy), Haverford (Legacy + ED), Wesleyan, Amherst, Williams, Vassar, Brown</p>