Scared to Death

<p>Hey guys!
I am going to become a junior in high school next year, and so far I have really messed up high school. My grades show improvement, but I am still trying to raise them. I was wonering, if I had a relatively low GPA (~3.1) and a decent SAT Score (1700-1900 range), would I be able to make it into the UofA? I’m really interested in majoring in Management Information SYstems, and the UofA has one of the best programs in the country. Also any job tips for anyone whose majored in MIS? </p>


<p>I think you should be okay. Make sure you’ve satisfied the State Bd of Regent Requirements. GL</p>

<p>[Entrance</a> Requirements and Guidelines | University of Arizona Admissions](<a href=“]Entrance”>How to Apply: First-Year Application | University of Arizona Admissions)</p>

<p>I am an out of state student, I am not exactually sure what the STATE Bd of Regent Requirements are. And how difficult would it be to get into MIS?</p>

<p>any other input would be appreciated</p>

<p>My dd had a fairly low GPA and was accepted from OOS. She did have pretty good SATS and is a Legacy (but not sure that matters). She’s not going there, but was accepted. Not in MIS though</p>

<p>I’m a legacy, but I know that doesn’t really matter for U of A except a couple scholarships or two.</p>

<p>U of A has a pretty high acceptance rate and is not very selective. But for MIS… they might be. I got accepted with that GPA also, but I am an in state kid. My current roommate is an out of state girl who had similar stats as you. I think it would be best to apply undecided, then switch once you are accepted. MIS is pretty competitive here.</p>

<p>Just focus on getting your grades up and getting involved in some ECs, because I’ll be blunt when I say that U of A does not like to offer aid except to a very few over the top people (you know those 4.0 gpa kids that participated in like a million things in high school that for some reason). I got a low scholarship that I had to argue and debate with them for weeks for.</p>

<p>Anyway, maybe I’ll see you on campus in a couple years! Bear down!</p>

<p>You should be able to get accepted into the U of A no problem. But, if I am not mistaken, MIS is in the Eller College of Management which is a lot harder to get into. </p>

<p>Congrats in considering the U of A! As a wildcat, I can tell you it is a great school!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the input guys!</p>