<p>I applied to Yale through SCEA in Canada. It's 11 days till decision and Yale still hasn't contacted me for an interview!! Does that mean I'm rejected? Did all of you get an interview and what does it mean if you don't?</p>
<p>It doesn’t mean anything. You may not have received an interview for any of several reasons – too many applicants from your area, no alumni interviewers in your area, etc. Yale cannot your lack of an interview against you in the admissions process.</p>
<p>Is there a possibility that they think I’m too weak of a candidate and just didn’t bother to get me an interviewer? (I hope not b.c my application seemed okay to me).</p>
<p>Read the very first thread on the CC’s Yale homepage. It’s called RD Applicants: Interview Advice and it will answer all your alumni interview questions.</p>