<p>If you get waitlisted from SCEA does that mean they will not look over your application again for the RD round, rather just make you wait until the end like a RD waitlisted applicant? If so, would it be more costly to run the risk of SCEA of being in a pool of very competitive applicants or would it be more costly to wait for RD where there is a lower acceptance rate or does it just depend?</p>
<p>no waitlists for SCEA. Just accept, defer, reject.</p>
<p>if you apply SCEA and get deferred, then you basically get 4 more months to convince yale to accept you, which is sweet really. you can send a letter with updates about your life, awards, etcs. i know someone who rewrote her essays and submitted them. Yale reviews your application all over again after you get deferred, and then they make a decision with the RD applications.</p>
<p>thanks so much</p>