Sched for next year

Hey IB CC, just curious about a few schedule things for my junior year

My current idea of a schedule is:

-IB HOTA HL(Required)

-IB English HL(Required)

-IB Latin SL(Required)

-IB Math HL

-IB Theatre SL

-IB Chemistry HL

-Ap Physics C: Mechanics

Is this courseload going to be too much work? I have a 97 in Calculus AB right now and a high B in phyiscs. I want to pursue either chemistry or physics and I’m not sure if I want to commit to two years of HL physics.

When are you taking TOK?

Oh sorry, yeah, our school’s TOK is taken both years, I just forgot to include it

Yes, it’s going to be too much.
3 HL’s/3SL’s is already a heavy load, especially with HOTA, English, and Math HL. Math HL in particular is very advanced, with lots of concepts not just in calculus but in other areas of math too. Add an extra HL (Chemistry) instead of SL, and your schedule is packed. AP Physics C is just too much.
If your school is one year for SL’s/2 years for HL’s, then you’d have space senior year to take AP Physics C.

Yeah, all that plus TOK, plus your EE, is too much.

I think it is better to take 3 HL’s and do really well in them, than 4 and not so well.

^College admissions care about your total, not whether you took 3 vs.4 HL’s. For them, a 30 is a 30 regardless of how you achieved it - and a 38 is a 38.
If you worry about credits, you can take AP exams for any SL that has a close counterpart, and see whether your SL classes are offered over 2 years or one (if only taken in 11th, that frees up some space for AP Physics C. Note however that while taking Physics is recommended, as long as you have Honors Physics or AP physics 1, you’re good.)

I think It shouldn’t be too bad , if you like math , HL shouldn’t be a problem , Chem the same thing

Usually HL and SL do the same thing except that HL covers some extra topics .

I am in math SL
Chem HL
And I also take the English and HOA HL
It’s a good amount of work but just managing your time helps a lot

The only difference is that I take SpanishSL and psychology HL instead of Latin and theater

AP Physics it depends on how comfortable you are with it

Hope this helps : )

Don’t take more than 3 HLs… AP Physics is equivalent to the eyes of colleges, and will be easier to get college credit in!