Schedule builder thoughts or questions

Sorry for the rambling, some questions and concerns on schedule building. Perhaps folks have some input if I dump them here:

BamaBound session is not until mid July unfortunately. Even still, AP scores might not officially make it to Alabama before we get there, as they will be released a couple days before. S18 will have 5 or 6 AP tests he will want to use from this year (fingers crossed). Will there be any leeway with scheduling if we at least can present home printed scores (CalcBC primarily)? I think MATH 247 is the Calc III Honors class he wants to sign up for. He could defer it to Spring but is afraid he will “forget” Calculus if he takes the time away from a Math class……

He is looking at going with only 14 hours. 1 will be the Honors Action single credit course. 4 for RRS Freshman 1. And then three more 3 credit courses. This seems to make a lot more sense than loading up to 17 in Semester 1. Thoughts?

In HS, S18’s schedule would not accommodate any AP English/Lit. So he is looking at taking EN 103. I do wonder how labor intensive it is. Any experience on project workload for EN 103? Slight concern is if research paper work load overlaps with RRS project workload.

How does one map AP credit to satisfy specific course requirements, technically speaking? Will they show up in the Degree Works area and you apply them specifically there? There are some that could potentially fulfill different requirements depending on how they are applied. AP Gov may be an example. Hope that question makes sense.

Can’t address all of those, but DS found English 103 to be a low workload class relative to his Math and especially CS courses.

Thanks @VryCnfsd
That is helpful. I doubted it would be a challenge, but some classes can be time hogs and still relatively easy.

DS was able to enroll in Calc2 at BB without his official AP scores being in. The advisors will authorize it, and then they just kick the student out of the class later if the AP wasn’t passed.

No help on EN 103 except that I’ve heard its not a huge challenge.

That link (if it works?) should show you exactly which UA classes your student will receive for which AP scores, if that answers the question? If you’re asking about Core, then even I don’t fully understand Core.

The AP scores will show up in DegreeWorks as completed classes based on the info in the link posted above. The AP Gov gave credit for Poly Sci 101 which counted towards my daughter’s Gen Ed requirements by fulfilling a SB category.

Thanks @flatKansas

I am well aware of the AP credits and associated classes … just gotta wait for the scores! The question was indeed about how some scores satisfy bopth core an d non core classes, or several different core classes.


I think DegreeWorks combined with the Major/Minor flowcharts are the best resources to plot out an overall degree plan. For example, with my DD’s Psych degree, the core/gen ed writing classes are satisfied within her major. She was also able to find a Psych advisor presentation that nicely laid out the 4 years (including minor), and most importantly it showed that there would be room for approx 30 free electives - fair amount of room to account for otherwise stranded AP credit and pick up some pre-med prereqs that do not fall within her major/minor.

Re Schedule Builder - my DD found it a challenge as prior to Bama Bound, classes show as full and hard to produce a schedule as a result. She did form an ideal schedule and spaces opened up the morning of registration and she saved the schedule and sent it to her registration cart and was registered within seconds of the registration window opening. Think they want them to register without using Schedule Builder but it worked well for us.

What our kiddo was told at Bama Bound was that the student can assume the score they believe they will get on AP exams when registering for classes. The downside was that if the kiddo does not actually get the score they project, they might have to redo their entire schedule. I thought this was yet another example of UA being awesome.

Thanks @TheGratefulDad
He will have his scores on line a day before BamaBopund, but UA will not have received them officially yet. IF what you say is true, it should be OK.

@DavidPuddy just print out the score from the AP website and bring it to BB

Thanks @Roo17 , that’s the plan.


FYI - my D was able to see the number of credits awarded for AP on DegreeWorks this morning - no details re specific AP credit yet but the total number of credits showed up. As long as he designated UA to get the score report you should have some advance notice here re scores. My D’s scores release on the 5th but a nice surprise to see early.


This is cool insight. We checked my DD’s and are not seeing anything. Schedule builder is showing her as having credits towards her degree, but those appear to be for the classes she has registered for. Wonder why some folks are seeing credits, but others are not.

For the record, we can not see any AP credits in Degree Works either. Not sure if the reason has to do with our state being on the last day of AP results.

@DavidPuddy Degreeworks didn’t show my AP credit; however, my classification changed from freshman to sophomore. I checked my unofficial transcripts and it shows the 2018 AP courses, whether it was passed, and the credit earned, but no actual AP score.

Thanks @cho84 ! Do you know your states official release date?

@DavidPuddy Yup, no problem! My state releases July 7th.

Aha, there they are today:
Overall Credits Earned 36

Transfer Credits Earned 36