schedule changes for spring semester

<p>There is a possibility that my son is going to need to change his schedule. However, almost every class is full. Do some kids drop and add? Will openings develop after the semester begins or do you have to go through the professor to add a class which is currently full?</p>

<p>He should continue to check the schedule of classes and try constantly to change those classes. They will randomly open up. After classes start, he has to get the teacher’s permission to change the course. There are forms he can pick up at a counselor’s office for the latter. Good luck!</p>



<p>I think this depends on dept. Some dept change all courses to D clearance on the 1st day of classes, and others don’t. </p>

<p>For example in engineering nothing is different registering for classes in the first 3 weeks, if it’s not full. </p>

<p>Plus, you’re 100% responsible for missed homeworks the first 3 weeks before you register. Some professor will allow it to be made up, some professor drop it from the final grade, some professor will give you 0’s for the missed hw.</p>

<p>I don’t think taking 22 units is the best idea. Therefore, one class needs to be dropped. My son said he will talk to his advisor. I suggested going to all of the classes he originally wanted during the first day of school, and then drop one class. This way he could make a determination where the best fit of classes are. My son said he does not want to do that and wants to get his schedule right before the semester begins.</p>

<p>My daughter changed her spring schedule with no problem. I think after the first semester, she now knows what to do. I only hope she gets good professors for next semester.</p>