Schedule confusion

<p>We attended the Honors Bama Bound Orientation last week. My daughter registered for classes with an Advisor. She is registered for HChem 117, HCal 145, UH 101, UH 120, and Spanish 353 for a total of 15 credits. Once we arrived home my daughter received an email from the Honors College expressing concern over the number of Honors classes in her schedule. </p>

<p>My daughter has had both Calc and Chem in High School but now I am concerned that she will be overwhelmed. Does anyone have any useful information on the difference between a regular Calculus or regular Chemistry class and the Honors versions?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>taking too many honors classes would be very overwhelming. theres too much extra involved.</p>

<p>I disagree with pitt-- From all who we have spoken with, sometimes the Honors version is less busywork and practice sets. We heard this esp with the Calc courses.</p>

<p>On the flip side, my son’s Avanti grouped scared him aware from the Honors Chem. He was told unless you are a Chem or Chem E major, you will want to avoid it as it is very time consuming.</p>

<p>My understanding is that the e-mail is auto generated for those over 10 honors credits. See the link Class2012Mom posted.</p>