Schedule Difficulty (Freshman)

<p>Well, I figured I'd get some input as well.</p>

<p>CHEM 1035 - General Chemistry
ENGE 1024 - Engineering Exploration
GEOG 1014 - World Regions
ITAL 1105 - Elementary Italian
MATH 1114 - Linear Algebra
MATH 1205 - Calculus
SOC 1004 - Introductory Sociology</p>

<p>I don't think it'll be that difficult. My T/Th are free until 2, so I have plenty of time to study. I took AP Chem in high school and got a 5. I took AP Calc AB and got a 4. I just wanna learn them the way Tech wants me to learn them. Getting two core classes out of the way early on. </p>

<p>Next semester will be hell though if I take the first semester of General Biology + the Lab (if that's even possible to do..?). I want to major in Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry, so I need two semesters of Bio taken care of and that Intro to Biochem class. Currently I'll be scheduled for 18 credits next semester -- 22 if I take Bio + the Lab.</p>

<p>Chem engineering? Have fun with that one. Lets just say this semester is going to be cakewalk compared to what you have ahead of you. OChem, PChem, Mass and Balances, Heat and Mass Transfer, it’s not pretty. Will require lots of work.</p>