<p>So I'm trying to major in MCB plan II and I'm wondering what classes I should sign up for. I've already got Math 1A and Chem 1A. I'm in the L&S college so I'm thinking fulfill my 7 breadth requirements. But, I'm utterly confused on what classes I can take. I'm thinking of taking Cog Sci or Public Health but have no idea what those classes are like or whether I should take them. I sorta want to take classes that help me in my major. Anyone have any help they can offer? What classes should I take to fulfill the reqs? </p>
<p>Thank in advance :)!</p>
<p>ph 116 fulfills a breadth-philosophy i believe</p>
<p>and cog sci c1 also fulfills something but i am not sure exactly what.</p>
<p>(i actually really enjoyed cog sci c1-took it my fall semester last year and even though it was at 8am and quite far from my dorm ;)</p>
<p>oh btw, ph 116 is 2 units and can only be taken p/f. but if you are prospective ph like myself, it counts towards the 12 elective units you need for the actual degree.</p>
<p>i can take ph 116 as a freshman? or am i limited to that 1-99 scale? i’m not sure…
also, would you recommend cog sci for a freshman?
<p>oh wait, actually i think there is some rule that states you can only taken uppr divs after your first sem but not too sure-i would read up on the L&S page or email an advisor about that.</p>
<p>as for cog sci as a freshman, I found the class to be simple enough and I was also taking 15 other units (19 total). it appeared as though most of the class was sophomores, but a good deal were freshman like myself. if for some reason you take the class and find it unmaneageable, you can change it to p/f after 10 whole weeks (yes, you read right!) so you can decide if your grades on the midterms/papers will adversely affect your gpa-although this is very unlikely to happen unless you sleep through every ecture and dont turn in a paper or something (i did close to none of the readings in the class, studied the day before the midterms and did well). beware however that if you take it p/f, you will not be able to major in it unless you retake it or something (again, read up on the original department pages for the exact verbatim)</p>