<p>so i went in to talk to my guidance counselor today to try to fit in a science class for next year, and she was showing me my schedule and i realized that somehow calc had disappeared and nobody told me...so now two of the classes i was planning on taking apparently don't work together and i have to rethink my entire schedule. i saw all the classes meeting next year and i've found two alternative schedules, but i'm really unsure of everything and would really appreciate some advice.</p>
<p>here are the two possible schedules:</p>
<p>schedule 1:
1. AP Calc BC (with the option to move down to AB if it's too much work)
2. AP English
3. AP Euro
4. free
5. AP French (with no option to move down if it's too much work :()
6. lunch
7. Honors International Relations
8. Mentoring in ELL (English Language Learner) American History</p>
<p>schedule 2:
1. Accelerated French
2. AP Calc AB (might be too easy :()
3. AP Euro
4. AP Psych (or a free)
5. Honors International Relations
6. lunch
7. AP English
8. Mentoring in ELL American History</p>
<p>so here's what i'm thinking:
-i like schedule 1 because it gives me more freedom in calculus because i just don't know if i have time for bc calc but i want to give it a try. on the other hand, that schedule sticks me in ap french which i originally didn't want to take because i thought it would be too much, and if it's too much i'm still stuck. but schedule 2 sticks my in calc ab with no mobility to go up if the class is too easy...
-i like that schedule one gives me a free, which i think i would really appreciate, but since schedule 2 is less demanding, that allows me to take psych which sounds pretty interesting and is an easy ap which would be good for my gpa. and i could always take schedule 2 without psych and have a pretty easy schedule with a free every day, which would be super nice, but i feel like a 4th ap would help make up for the lack of ap french and the lack of science...</p>
<p>what do you guys think of my options? is there anything else that i should be considering?</p>
<p>thanks for your feedback! :)</p>
<p>Schedule 1. At my school AP french and accelerated french are taught in the same period and ran the same way, with AP having the occasional extra assignment. In other words, both are hard. But AP potentially knocks out a year of foreign language and then you can move down to AP calc AB if that’s too stressful. You’ll need that free period if you’re doing 4 AP’s and an honors, just to breath in/out and catch up on hw. Good luck!</p>
<p>Schedule 1! Having a free seems really nice, as does the flexibility in Calc. (And I wouldn’t worry too much about not taking a science; I didn’t take one senior year and it was lovely and I don’t think it affected college admissions, in which I did pretty well.)</p>
<p>Since when did AP Calc = easy? Or is it just what I hear at my school that makes me think this?</p>
<p>Schedule 2. Especially if French is not one of your better subjects.</p>
<p>Thanks for all your replies, this is really helpful!
@nicetomeetyou, i’m still really worried, and like tenors suggested french isn’t my best language so idk if it’s worth it- is your main reason for suggesting #1 to skip a year of college language? because i’m planning on stopping french and taking arabic, if that makes any difference in this decision. </p>
<p>for those of you who said i should take a free, do you think doing #2 and taking a free would be ok, or would that courseload look too light? another thing i’m considering is taking psych and then just dropping it for a free if i feel like i have too much work or need more time off. do you think that would be a good idea? (i guess i’m leaning more towards #2 at this point, but you guys make good points for #1 and i’m totally open to more feedback as i haven’t come close to actually making up my mind yet)</p>
<p>In schedule two your math will be easier, your french will be easier – but you’ll have a whole other class, psych! Versus in schedule one your math will be harder (but you can drop down) and french harder – but you have a free! Shouldn’t the free balance out the added work of AP French?</p>
<p>I think sched 2 w/out psych would look pretty light. Schedule 1 looks better, and it doesn’t really seem much harder.</p>
<p>^that’s a really good point, though my thought is that the workload of ap french would be pretty much equal to the workload of ae french + ap psych, but i’ll try to find out more about that through people at my school who’ve taken those classes. the thing is, i’ve heard that psych is pretty interesting, and it’s an easy ap so that might help my app…do you guys think taking a harder workload but less classes would be more or less impressive than taking more classes where some are slightly less challenging? (schedule 1 is only 5 classes + mentoring whereas schedule 2 has 6 classes + mentoring, but ap french is probably more impressive than ap psych so maybe it would balance out? i have no idea…)</p>
<p>bc you take an easier calc class if necessary… but with schedule 2 you can’t up your workload if u find AB too easy. and a free should make up the difference between AP French and Accelerated French.</p>
<p>ok so it seems like you guys are pretty much unanimous being in favor of schedule 1- i’m wondering if a great teacher vs a kind of sucky teacher would be enough to make schedule 2 worth it? i’m not sure if i’ll know yet but i’m hoping my counselor can tell me who’s teaching ap english when, and there’s one teacher that i’m really hoping for (i’ve heard his class is murder but it’ll make you a fantastic writer, whereas the other ap teacher is still a harsh grader but just really unfair). so if she tells me and he teaches the 2nd period class, then schedule 1 will make the most sense. but there’s a 50/50 chance that he’ll be teaching the 7th period class, and if that’s the case, do you think taking schedule 2 is worth it in order to get the better teacher?</p>
<p>sorry, 1 more thought: schedule 2 basically has 4 social studies courses (including the mentoring), which sounds amazing to me as a potential IR major, so do you think that would be a good idea or too much since i haven’t even doubled up before now?</p>
<p>That does affect your decision. If you’re doing Arabic is college, then schedule 2 would be better. I sort of assumed french was a strong skill considering you got so far. J’ai arrete apres deusieme ans (and I’m pretty sure that wasn’t 100% accurate haha). AP english is probably a class you would definetly want to be taught well in so anything in order to get the better teacher should affect your decision. As for AP psych, it’s a cool class but having no free period senior year? Perhaps you could skip this one, and supposedly AP psych is probably not going to have that big of an impact if you take it. You have 3 AP’s, all of which are core classes. So I think 2 would in fact be better</p>
<p>ok thanks for your advice!
i think i am prepared to make my decision around the ap english teacher if i can get that information, and it’s good to hear that other people think that it’s a good idea. but i agree with you that i’m not too sure about psych in schedule 2 since i’d really love a free, but i’m worried that schedule 2 without psych would look too weak, plus wouldn’t i be hurting myself by giving up an easy ap? maybe the best solution is, if schedule 2 is my decision, to take it with psych an be open to dropping if i want more free time- how does that sound?</p>
<p>Good! So you’ll just try AP psych and if you think it wont help, or it takes up too much time, then drop. That will make schedule 2 work for you. Glad I could help</p>