Schedule help!

<p>Hi, I am an incoming Freshman with SOAR on Wednesday and Thursday. Before going to SOAR I wanted to have a pretty good idea on what classes I should take. Now, I'm looking for some advice from people that know a little about the university as a whole or more specifically the School of Business.</p>

<p>A little AP test background, I received a 5 on Calculus AB, 3 on Environmental Science, a 3 on Statistics, and a 2 on English.</p>

<p>For the first semester I was planning on taking Spanish 203, Calculus 211, and English 100, I need to take Psychology to get into the School of Business, along with other prerequisite classes.</p>

<p>Finally to my question, I was wondering if anyone had some advice for what classes to take with the three I previously stated.</p>


<p>^ your AP calc AB score of 5 gives you credit for Math 211/221. You should think about taking Math 222 or 213 to complete the calculus series. Completing Math 222 gives you more degree options.</p>

<p>For science requirements:</p>

<p>AOS 100 Weather and Climate</p>


<p>Entomology 201: Insects and Human Culture</p>

<p>If these classes are full, just email the professor, explain you are a freshman and ask for a ‘permission’ to enroll.</p>

<p>If you take Econ 101, be sure to sign up for the extra help through the Business Learning Center (BLC). </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>What are those classes like? Will it be a challenge? I don’t want to overwhelm myself.</p>

<p>I am thinking about enrolling in Calculus 211 because in all honesty I never anticipated getting a 5.</p>

<p>Also, I had a question as far as semester credits go.
So far the three classes I stated are 3 credit classes. Should I do 5 3 credit classes, 4 3 credit classes, or find a science class that is 4 or so credits?</p>

<p>I am familiar with business school requirements as my son was in your position 2 years ago.</p>

<p>Psych is a challenging course as there is a strict curve that results in only 15% of the students earning an A (although there is extra credit through participation in research studies which could raise your grade 1/2 step - i.e. from AB to A). Grade is based solely on 4 non-cumulative multiple choice exams. Fast-paced, don’t neglect keeping up on reading the chapter. Print out the power point slides from Learn@UW and bring to class.</p>

<p>At SOAR, the B School advisors will likely tell you NOT to take more than 2 of the 4 pre-requisites during the same semester (pre-reqs are English 100, Math 211 or Math 221, Psych 201, Econ 101). My son took Math 211, English 100, Spanish 226, and Psych 202 his first semester.</p>

<p>Math 211 or 221 is 5 credits, not 3. Math 213 (the 2nd semester of calc for business majors) is 3 credits. For B School you need either 2 semesters of calculus, or 1 semester of calc and the 2nd semester of business statistics, unless you are a finance major then you need 2 semesters of calc and 2 semesters of business statistics (not sure about calc requirements for actuarial science majors).</p>

<p>Spanish 203 is 4 credits.</p>

<p>AOS 100 and Entomology 201 are EASY classes if you do the work (as compared to physics, chemistry, biology which will be much harder). For Entomology, there are only bug identification quizzes, attendance quizzes (write your name on a piece of paper and turn it in), and a project which involves raising a Manduca (caterpiller insect) from an egg to a moth over a period of about 60 days - which you document with daily journaling and pictures (you need a digital camera). </p>

<p>If you take Math 211 or 221, Spanish 203, Psych and Entomology or Weather and Climate, you will have 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 15 credits. Four classes is a good load your first semester.</p>

<p>Some students who get a 4 or 5 on AP Calc AB do still take Math 211 or 221 either to get a 5 credit A to boost grade point (a GPA of 3.6 or higher will put you on the Dean’s List), or to make sure they have a solid background in order to do well the following semester in Math 222 or Math 213.</p>

<p>Look at this 402 page .pdf from the Registrar’s office: you can see the avg GPA in each course offered, by semester. You will notice if a course gives out 84% As or only 7% As.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>See page 19 (Insects and Human Culture): 67.4% of students earned an A.</p>

<p>See page 172 (General Chemistry 103): 25.6% of students earned an A.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you so so so so so much, that was incredibly helpful! :)</p>

<p>Would you suggest I take Psych second semester and English 100 first semester?</p>

<p>And Insects and Human Culture > Weather and Climate?</p>

<p>Talk to the SOAR Business School advisors.</p>

<p>Decide if you are taking Math 211, or Math 213 (Are you 100% firm on Business School?).</p>

<p>Econ 101 is also a difficult course - as I mentioned, when you take this be sure to sign up for the BLC the week before the semester starts (second semester).</p>

<p>Henriques (Lecture 4) is good for Psych 202 - I believe his class is limited to freshmen only. Register for the extra credit (once class starts) ASAP, you have to answer a long online questionnaire that takes an hour before you can sign up for extra credit sessions. Wide open early on, then full near the end of the semester as people realize they could really use a grade boost.</p>

<p>Sign up for the Wisconsin School of Business Welcome Week activities (then you can put that on your B School application). [Undergraduate</a> Program - Academics, School of Business, University of Wisconsin - Madison](<a href=“]Undergraduate”></p>

<p>Weather and Climate is probably a little harder than Entomology, both would be easier than physics, chemistry, biology.</p>

<p>Entomology - waitlist now; could try emailing Prof David Hogg <a href=“”></a>
Weather and Climate -still has some open spots</p>

<p>So maybe Math 211 or Math 213, Spanish 203, English 100, Psych 202 this semester.
Math 213 (if you took Math 211 first semester), Econ 101, Bugs or Weather, and a Communication Part B requirement course second semester.</p>

<p>Again, talk to the B School advisors.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’ll take 211 by the sounds of it. Not 100% on Business School but nothing else interests me at this point. Psych 202 scares me because I had a friend take it last semester. </p>

<p>Should I e-mail the professor now to see if I can get in, if I can get in should I take Math 211, Spanish 203, English 100, and Bugs? Then take Math 213, Econ 101, Psych 202, and Part B second semester? (I wanted to take Spanish 204 second semester too.)</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for you help, it is sincerely appreciated.</p>

<p>If you are not ‘set’ on Business School, what is your likely major? Because it’s possible you’d need Math 221/222 and not Math 211/213…</p>

<p>If your intended major is Business:
Re: 2nd semester: Econ 101 and Spanish 204 are 4 credits each. Business Learning Center group for Econ 101 is twice a week for 50 minutes - no homework or preparation needed. Math 213 is 3 credits, Psych 202 is also 3 credits; if you take one more class, wait on the Comm B requirement (4 credits and it involves writing a 10-15 page research paper), instead, take the literature requirement - the easiest one I know of is Theatre and Drama 120 - you watch plays, write 2 page papers on each of 3 plays, and have a midterm and a final.</p>

<p>Second semester: Math 213, T&D 120, Spanish 204, Econ 101, Psych 202 = 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 3 = 17.</p>

<p>Bugs - go ahead and email the professor now, explain you are an incoming freshman attending SOAR soon and would like to know if he can give you permission to enroll in his class as it appears right now to be full.</p>

<p>Well, I want to be an Accountant I guess. I’m just not whole heartedly set on it. It’s just my solid option right now.</p>

<p>Also, I was looking at the courses online and I ran into a major issue getting into Bugs, there is a waitlist as you stated but even if I could sneak through the waitlist Math 211 has only one available lecture at the exact same time. There is a waitlist for the other Math 211 lecture.</p>

<p>Is Theatre & Drama open for fall semester (instead of bugs)?</p>

<p>The IMAcc program is excellent (5 year Integrated Masters of Accountancy program).</p>

<p>Yes, Theatre and Drama has an open section.</p>

<p>I could take English, Spanish, Math, and Psych. They would all fit I am pretty sure.</p>

<p>That’s what my son took his first semester. The SOAR advisors may suggest that you only take 2 of the 4 prerequisites (you have 3), so as not to blow your GPA if you get off to a poor start.</p>

<p>English is already closed. My S took Math 221, Chem 103, Anthro(number?) and one class at his dorm on business related. Total of 15 credit. The schedule looks quite full but manageable.</p>

<p>English 100 is closed?</p>

<p>Ask about it at SOAR, additional sections may open, there are other classes that would also fulfill the Comm A requirement. Keep checking Student Center for an opening.</p>

<p>(Lecture 39 has openings for residents of certain Lakeshore dorms).</p>

<p>My son wants to major in business. What can I do to get UW to allow him to take Accounting in the first half of his Freshman year???</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s a good idea to take AIS 100 first semester freshman year. There is nothing you can do, it would have to come from your son and I don’t think he’d have success in convincing Prof Rittenberg. Is your son a direct-admit to the business school?</p>

<p>Fall 2010: Zero freshmen took AIS 100
Fall 2009: 1 freshman took AIS 100 and earned an ‘F’
Fall 2008: 1 freshman took AIS 100 and earned an ‘A’
Fall 2007: 2 freshman took AIS 100, one earned a ‘B’, one earned a ‘C’</p>

<p>A relatively small percentage of the class is based on homework, with the midterms, final and case studies/writing assignments comprising the rest. Accounting firms have asked the business school to incorporate more writing/critical thinking in the accounting courses, so AIS 100 is not simply debits and credits. It includes FASB/IASB research/writing/analysis.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>


<p>Oh - that’s why your question sounded familiar!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;