Schedule of courses as a pre Med?

Hello, so I am a high school senior and obviously have a ton of time before this should even concern me. I also know at college I will have advisors and verything but I would like Tom have an idea before I get to that point. What is the general schedule of pre read for a pre Med student and when should I plan to take physics?

I know it generally goes Bio and Chem freshman year.
Orgo second year.
And physics either sophomore or junior year? I am in high school physics now and I hate it. I am fine with the math, the concepts just don’t stick with me when using forces and what not(basic stuff). I just don’t know if it would Ben smart to take Orgo and physics together even though I think would help with mcat studying junior year.
Also, when do students take courses like Calc, stats, Biochem and genetics. I know Biochem and genetics are helpful classes for the mcat so it would be nice to have them. I took a stats class last summer at the CC but it was “elementary stats” so I don’t think it will even count for Med schools. I guess I am just asking If someone could lay out their general scheduled for me. I know it will vary by major but I am majoring in either neuroscience, international studies, or psychology depending on where I go.

Ochem is very time intensive. If you have difficulty with physics, do not take physics at the same time as Ochem.

But know that you will be taking biochem with physics in your junior year. Biochem is also time intensive, but there’s no lab and biochem only last 1 semester.

Take calc your freshman Year (you may need it for your electives later on). Take stats or biostats after calc.

D2 majored in neuroscience (NOTE; her undergrad required bio majors and all pre-meds to take calculus-based physics and required Calc 1 & 2 as a pre-req for physics)

gen chem/gen chem
honors bio/honors bio
Calc 3/linear alg
philosophy elective/freshman writing seminar
—/anthro elective
math TA (I section spring)

genetics/philosophy elective
adv linear analysis/anthro elective
neuro ind research/ neuro ind research
math TA (2 sections fall/2 sections spring)

biostats w/research methodology/biochem
neurochem/medical ethics
probability/theoret alg
physics /physics
neuro ind research/neuro ind research
math TA (1 section fall/spring)

ecology/motor & sensory neurons
MATLab for BME/—
fractal dynamics/—
senior sem neurosci /adv neurobio lab (5 credits)
ODE/complex var
cog neurosci/senior thesis (no credit)
writing for science majors (2 credits)/—
Biochem TA (1 section fall/spring)

@WayOutWestMom wow thank you. The school km considering doesn’t require calc 2 for neuroscience but thank you for the advice!