schedule problem

<p>well, i would be a senior next year.
today, i went to a private college consulting firm.
the firm wanted my schedule next year so i gave it to them.
it looks like:
1. Academic Decatholan
2. Ap Lit
3. Ap Econ & Ap Gov
4. Ap French
5, Ap chem
6. Technical art (graduation requirment)
7. Swim
the firm was like i will not have any chance to Ivies if i do my classes like this next year because i do not have enough "solid classes".
Is that true?
If so, then i might have to play around my schedule and add another solid class. (this may be possible because Tech art and Swim are only semester classes and I may be able to find another solid class that fits my schedule)
Plz help me on this.</p>

<p>BTW, don't point out my spelling. I know it is pretty bad.</p>

<p>i am sorry to post 2 threads but i dont know which place would be approperiate to post the thread</p>

<p>might help if you post juior year as well. Where is math,? maybe BC calc. have you done chem and physics? and at what level?</p>

<p>Or aaare they telling you this based on testing?</p>

<p>the thing is i self-taught physics c and calc bc.
i already took ap bio and physics b</p>

<p>should i take ap stat or ap environmental sci although they are BS aps?</p>

1. Academic Decathlon
2. Ap Lit
3. Ap Econ & Ap Gov
4. Ap French
5, Ap chem
6. Technical art (graduation requirement)
7. Swim


<p>Find another consultant.</p>

<p>It's hard to get a schedule more "solid" than that.</p>

<p>Ask them what is more "solid" than 4 AP's, AC Dec and a varsity sport?</p>

<p>Then fire them.</p>

<p>BTW. Work on your spelling. That IS important.</p>

<p>thanx for your interest. this post would be removed to admission board soon.</p>