Schedule question

<p>For my schedule next year (junior year), I've already got 6 classes down and I need one more. So far I have down 1 math, 1 science, 1 foreign language, 1 english, and 2 social sciences.
For my last class, I want to take either AP Psychology or some random elective such as Leadership or Law. However, AP Psych would be my first-priority option.</p>

<p>I've heard that AP Psychology is ridiculously easy, so would it to be too stressful to take 3 AP courses in the social sciences if 1 is AP Psychology?<br>
Would you advise doing this, or should I fill up the last open space with another subject/just an elective? If it helps at all, I'm planning on a future in the social sciences.</p>

<p>I just want to make sure I'm not taking too heavy of a load. Thanks.</p>

<p>AP Psych is very easy, esp. if it is spread out over a whole year. I am also taking it (online) with two other APs (bio and calc) and its not too bad. However, schools vary, you could have a crazy AP psych teacher who gives way too much work. But with a normal teacher it shouldn’t be too hard. I say go for it, especially since it is your favorite option anyway.</p>

<p>Thanks. Yes, it is spread out over one year and the AP Psych teachers at my school are really nice and the class is supposedly very easy. I know a junior who is in all regular academic classes and failing, even she thinks it is easy. Everyone thinks I’m crazy though, for wanting to take 3 APs in the social sciences.</p>