Schedule Questions/Online Classes

<p>Hi! I have Bama Bound coming up in the next few weeks, so I was working classes out on Schedule Builder, and I have a couple questions.</p>

<li><p>In most cases, is the ten minutes between classes enough time to walk between buildings on campus? I tried looking at the map, but I’m really bad at judging distance/time, so any advice here would be helpful.</p></li>
<li><p>Are honors versions of classes not offered every semester? I was looking at taking either honors accounting or honors calculus 2, but neither appear as options when I hit “Add Course”. Am I missing out on anything by not being able to take these as honors?</p></li>
<li><p>Does anyone have experience taking online classes during the semester? I need to take legal studies, and the only section open is once weekly for two and a half hours on Thursday nights. While I will obviously take it if necessary, I have a harder time focusing at night and for long periods of time, so I was wondering if the online version was a reasonable alternative.</p></li>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Sorry, one more question.</p>

<li>Once you finish all the lower division requirements for your major, can you take upper division classes even if you are missing a core requirement (will finish lower division requirements this semester, but was planning on taking a class next summer just to lighten the load)?</li>

<p>I remember hearing that hon. calc 2 is only offered in the spring. Sorry cant answer anything else.</p>

<p>Honors Accounting is offered in the fall. There is one section, and there is currently one space open. You seem to be in a similar situation to that of my D when she was an incoming freshman. She wanted to take LGS 200 and AC 210, but they were pretty full even by the first BB, which she attended. She registered for an LGS 200 class that was once a week at night; before school started she was able to switch it to a one day a week class that met in the late afternoon. She thought the one day a week format was long and painful, but she did fine. There were NO accounting spots open, so she chose another class. I think a couple spots (but not with the prof she wanted) eventually opened up, but she stuck with the schedule she had and took accounting in the spring. </p>

<p>I’m not sure about taking upper division classes without all the core requirements satisfied; it wasn’t an issue for my D since she didn’t end up taking AC210 until spring freshman year and therefore didn’t move to upper division until fall of sophomore year, when all her requirements were satisfied. I assume you’ll have the 60 credit requirement satisfied - which core course will you be missing? UA can be pretty flexible, and if you had no other courses left to take other than the core requirement and the upper division business courses, I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t let you do some of them concurrently, but I don’t know that for a fact. I’d speak to Dr. Heggem about it if you think you’ll end up in that situation. </p>

<p>For most locations, 10 minutes is enough to get from one class to another. There are some locations that would be very tight or impossible, though. Where do you need to go? </p>

<p>I often recommend the night sections of LGS 200 as they are taught by local judges and lawyers. If you have some form of transportation, do take the jail tour and watch a couple court cases, both of which earn one extra credit. The courses do not include a break time, so they often end early as the instructors have taught the material for a long time. Ones grade is mainly composed of multiple choice tests and detailed notes are provided upon which the tests are based on, so one doesn’t typically need to purchase the textbook.</p>

<p>10 minutes is doable depending on the classes and the buildings.</p>

<p>Thank you all!</p>

<p>beth’s mom- Glad to know it all works out! I was supposed to take a literature class this semester but got into a program that requires an extra class, and I felt that 17 hours, going through the new member period in a sorority, and just adjusting to college would be a little overwhelming. Fortunately, if I read correctly, the website says that one only needs 3 hours in fine arts, lit, or humanities in order to enroll in 300/400 level classes (I have credit for fine arts and humanities already), so I think I’ll be safe.</p>

<p>I’d be going from Alston Hall to Nott Hall to Russell Hall. If I’m reading the map right, the last two are close.</p>

<p>SEA_tide- Thank you for the advice! I’ll definitely reconsider taking it on campus. Do you know how likely it is to get into a class that is currently “full”? There’s a couple sections that start an hour earlier than the only one open now, and I really think the hour would make a difference.</p>

<p>You should have no problem getting from Alston to Nott or from Nott to Russell in 10 minutes.</p>

<p>Spaces are likely to open up in those sections as students change their schedules throughout the summer</p>

<p>I’ve walked between Alston, Nott, and Russell halls many times. You’ll often save time by cutting across the grass compared to taking the concrete walkways. You’ll be able to take one of the rear exits of Nott Hall to easily get to Russell. </p>

<p>I highly suggest walking ones schedule a day or so before classes start to get an idea of how long it will take to walk from building to building.</p>