Schedule Questions

<p>Going over my D schedule after BB and a couple of things stick out. Wondering if anyone is taking these courses\sections and have info on some things not quite making sense so far.</p>

<p>CH 101 - Signed up for Tues-Thurs hour and 15 min section and there is a Monday night class time as well. In one of the BB breakout sessions it was mentioned that CH and Math have blocked test times in the evenings and showed they occur only 4 times during the semester (in addition to the TTR regular classes). But in my D schedule the Monday night 1.5 session we assumed would be the 4 times a semester test times show up every week for the entire semester. I know this is not the lab as it shows up under a different session extension number and different day. Anyone know if the Monday night times are just a holding spot for possible tests or are they actual lecture days every week at an odd time?</p>

<p>Math 145 (Calc I Honors) - in the same theme of the separate evening testing times - Most of the sessions for Math 145 showed 4 distinct Tuesday night test session. Oddly my D’s does not show that. It’s a different teacher than the others. I find that odd and I’m wondering if that is a mistake, the prof gives test during normal times or something else?</p>

<p>Just asked S about this. He took Chem 101 and said that every single week they met during this extra recitation time (and it was pretty mandatory, because that was when they took quizzes, reviewed stuff, and actually did work). It was def every week, not just 4x a semester. And, recitation is diff to the chem lab, most definitely. </p>

<p>For Calc, recitation was for taking tests (he had Calc III, tho, not I), and he only had it a few times in the semester (and his schedule did not distinguish which distinct dates, as some of the Calc I sections do). Different profs obviously have different ‘rules’ for recitation.</p>

<p>For his other classes which had recitation (Intro to Aero and Statics were examples), attendance was set by the professor - in his Statics, attendance was mandatory if you had an 85% or lower on the previous week’s quiz; in Aero, while it wasn’t mandatory, he found out pretty darn quick that he needed to attend in order to keep up with the material.</p>

<p>In short, budget on always having to attend the recitations (i.e., there can be no schedule conflicts w/ any other classes), and if you don’t have to go every week, great.</p>

<p>I know for the intro level courses in Math and Chemistry, some profs have scheduled review times. What I would assume is that is what the night class is for chemistry. It may be mandatory depending on the professor.</p>

<p>As for math, all of the lower level math courses used to have schedule late night sessions that worked as either test or review sessions. My profs never used them but it was still online when I chose classes. I can only assume they have come up with a better system now where if a professor decides not to use them they don’t show up. Most likely, the professor will give exams in class.</p>

<p>This is what it looks like from what I have seen but there is always the possibility of error.</p>

<p>Ghengis & Aeromom - thanks to both for the info. I think I understand things better now. D is not pleased with the Chem thing looking like everyweek but it is what it is. She’s going to call an advisor and confirm and then she can decide if she wants to try to move it to another section.</p>

<p>The evening class times and required course materials are often set by the department, though individual professors can choose to not have the evening sessions and/or modify required course materials once classes start. Neither of my calculus professors used the Tuesday evening class times and one, Bruce Trace, didn’t use the online course program and at the time didn’t require students to submit homework assignments and allowed ones score on the final exam to replace all other exam scores.</p>

<p>My D had Calc 2 and 3 last year and neither one of her profs ever used the Tuesday evening recitation time. I know there were other profs who gave tests during that time, though.</p>

<p>My S learned really quickly in CH 101 (especially) that you do not take the pre-lab assessments lightly. If you do poorly, you are disqualified from attending the lab, which can have a big impact on your grade. The boy kinda blew off one of them, didn’t do well, and then had to take a big ZERO for that lab because of it. It was under the guise of safety, and I can see that to a point, but I don’t completely agree with a policy where your failure to attend is recorded, but you were barred from attending. In the end, things (mostly) worked out, but learn from us and just focus on those pre-labs!</p>

<p>Hear, hear, rolltide90! I’m so glad you brought this up to remind students about this!</p>

<p>I, too, was shocked that S was barred from doing the lab work one week because he was sick for 2 days (had signed dr/SHC excuse note, etc.), and could not make up this work in any way shape or form because he had missed (with excuse) the pre-lab deadline. Big fat ZERO. Also, those who do poorly on the pre-lab work will only perpetuate their struggles with the material: because you are barred from doing the lab, you won’t learn/reinforce that particular unit’s materials. CH 101 lab is not to be trifled with!</p>

<p>D’s Calc III prof did use the Tuesday night period for tests.</p>

<p>Those are recitation times and profs use them for different things…testing, grad student tutoring, etc. Some profs never use them. Math profs often don’t make them mandatory because they’re often used for optional tutoring times.</p>

<p>Here, here on the big fat ZERO for not being allowed to attend lab. AND…don’t think I didn’t understand how to access the information, didn’t get my clicker registered, didn’t whatever, whatever will work. If you don’t do the pre-work, you don’t go to the lab. If you don’t go to the lab, you don’t get the reinforcement of information…not a place you want to go.</p>

<p>As far as recitation times, every instructor is different. If it blocks out on your schedule, be prepared to attend it every time and get a happy surprise if that is not the case.</p>

<p>Thanks all for the tips. My D is not really pleased with a Monday night “maybe it will get used, maybe it won’t slot” but she’ll just have to wait until fall to find out. Someone in her family must have been teaching her to perhaps over plan… wonder who that could be.</p>


<p>Can you clarify your post. I’m not sure what you’re saying. thanks.</p>