<p>Who has gone to Orientation and has created their schedule?</p>
<p>I'm taking:
a Psych class [I forget what its called though]
Ballet (haha I haven't taken ballet since i was 4!)</p>
<p>What about everyone else? What classes did you guys sign up for? I'm in the Health and Medicine Learning Community. Is that going to be way too rugged? I really don't know how i'm going to handle bio and chem at the same time.... <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>I don't see any of my courses mentioned here, with the exception of Core 111 (I'm doing it 10:00 - 11:50 M). If you want to know, look up "elliot lee" on thefacebook.</p>
<p>I have a pretty busy schedule. I have no idea how I'll do it. Oh well, here it goes:
Freshman Seminar:Medical Controversies and the Law
Bio 120
Chem 105A
Core 111-Writing (TO)
Core 102-Commemoration</p>
<p>You guys taking 5 classes are gonna wanna kill yourselves about halfway through the semester....that's ok though, everyone makes that mistake freshman year. Just remember that there is no shame in dropping a class (especially if it is a phys ed or fresh seminar class). And to those one or two people that are taking Ochem and bio and still giving themselves a full load otherwise....all i have to say is god help you.</p>
<p>PHRD 501 Pharmaceutics I
PHRD 503 Biological Systems I
PHRD 505 Molecular Genetics & Therapy
PHRD 507 Health Care Delivery Systems
PHRD 509 Pharmacy Practice & Experience I</p>
<p>But I don't get to register until about a week before we start. Cant wait to begin work on that doctorate! haha</p>
<p>I'm worried too. But I don't feel like I can drop anything and still complete my degree. With the exception of the fsem, but that's supposedly really easy and stress-free... I must be missing something. How can someone do engineering and a business minor in 4 years without doing any summer school?</p>
<p> CTWR 140. Writing and Critical Reasoning
MATH 126. Calculus II
ENGR 102. Freshman Academy
PHED 156. Basketball
FSEM 100. Making Sense of the Opinion Makers and Making Up Your Own Mind
SOCI 142. Diversity and Racial Conflict
CE 106. Design and Planning of Civil Engineering Systems</p>