Schedules for next year?

<p>Who has gone to Orientation and has created their schedule?</p>

<p>I'm taking:
a Psych class [I forget what its called though]
Ballet (haha I haven't taken ballet since i was 4!)</p>

<p>What about everyone else? What classes did you guys sign up for? I'm in the Health and Medicine Learning Community. Is that going to be way too rugged? I really don't know how i'm going to handle bio and chem at the same time.... <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>• PHED 139A. Volleyball
• CHEM 115ALg. Advanced General Chemistry
• CTWR 140. Writing and Critical Reasoning
• BISC 121Lg. Advanced General Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution
• PSYC 155xg. Psychological Perspectives on Social Issues </p>

<p>I had those two extra units so I figured I should take something that would get me off my butt so I chose volleyball.</p>

<p>aha! ek1000 I'm taking that Psych course. I could not remember the name of it for the life of me. I signed up like three weeks ago.</p>

<p>Awesome...the course sounds really interesting. See you next year!</p>

<p>I'm taking:
Biology 120
Chem 105aL
Core 102 Family Feud
Core 111 Writing
Freshmen Seminar Musical Subcultures of the Sixties</p>

<p>Guys I'm so excited.</p>

<p>jessetfan: I'm taking those bio and chem courses as well. Are you in the learning community?</p>

<p>No, I'm not, I'm a pre-med chem major so I need to take them both first semester in order to be on the right track to apply to med school.</p>

<p>I don't see any of my courses mentioned here, with the exception of Core 111 (I'm doing it 10:00 - 11:50 M). If you want to know, look up "elliot lee" on thefacebook.</p>

<p>I have a pretty busy schedule. I have no idea how I'll do it. Oh well, here it goes:
Freshman Seminar:Medical Controversies and the Law
Bio 120
Chem 105A
Core 111-Writing (TO)
Core 102-Commemoration</p>

<p>Buad-307: Marketing Fundamentals
BUAD-250A: Core Concepts of Accounting Information
Econ-305: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
Clas-280g: Classical Mythology</p>

<p>You guys taking 5 classes are gonna wanna kill yourselves about halfway through the semester....that's ok though, everyone makes that mistake freshman year. Just remember that there is no shame in dropping a class (especially if it is a phys ed or fresh seminar class). And to those one or two people that are taking Ochem and bio and still giving themselves a full load otherwise....all i have to say is god help you.</p>

<p>I know I'm going to die. I'm sort of planning on dropping the fresh sem course, but I figured I'd take it and see how I feel after a week.</p>

<p>I have 7 courses...LOL</p>

<p>I have to take</p>

<p>PHRD 501 Pharmaceutics I
PHRD 503 Biological Systems I
PHRD 505 Molecular Genetics & Therapy
PHRD 507 Health Care Delivery Systems
PHRD 509 Pharmacy Practice & Experience I</p>

<p>But I don't get to register until about a week before we start. Cant wait to begin work on that doctorate! haha</p>

<p>2+2=5, How can you be taking 7 classes??? That's insane.</p>

<p>BUAD 304
ECON 203
WRIT 140
REL 140
THTR 188</p>

<p>...dang. i have 5 classes...hope it goes ok O_o</p>

<p>I'm worried too. But I don't feel like I can drop anything and still complete my degree. With the exception of the fsem, but that's supposedly really easy and stress-free... I must be missing something. How can someone do engineering and a business minor in 4 years without doing any summer school?</p>

<p>JeNeSaisQuoi: This is how:</p>

<p>• CTWR 140. Writing and Critical Reasoning
• MATH 126. Calculus II
• ENGR 102. Freshman Academy
• PHED 156. Basketball
• FSEM 100. Making Sense of the Opinion Makers and Making Up Your Own Mind
• SOCI 142. Diversity and Racial Conflict
• CE 106. Design and Planning of Civil Engineering Systems</p>

<p>18 units total.</p>

Buad- 304

<p>uh i have
bio 120
chem 105
rel 140
writ 140
mda 100</p>