<p>hi ya'll. telebears is starting up again, so i just was hoping you could spare a few of your cents for advice. scenario:</p>
<p>ugba 101a:
+ supposedly easy peasy jump off of a cliff lemon squeezy prof.
+it is the "natural order" of things to take this before 103
- would force me to take math 113 with a tougher --think "sphincter of steel" tougher--teacher.<em>frownie face</em></p>
<p>ugba 103:
+would be more fun than taking 101a (still have to take 101a eventually, i guess)
+clears up sched space so my sem is about a shade easier. (idk how much easier, b/c giving up marshskakack and taking on livdan has to be accounted for at the same time i give up wodzicki [sphincter man] for serganova...)
-who is this prof. Livdan fellow anyway? </p>
<p>cast your die. kthanks.</p>
<p>~<em>~</em>~<em>~</em>~<em>~</em>~*~ </p>
<p>sparkles. :l</p>
<p>(read: bump)</p>
<p>Aren’t you the econ/haas guru on here? Anyways, I always prefer the path of least resistance, so I would choose 2. But if you read how you worded things and ordered them, you’ve already made your choice. You prefer your peers on CC to justify your choice.</p>
<p>^ ha. HAHAHA. i just make stuff up. ah, the power of BS goes a long way ;)</p>
<p>thanks for the advice.</p>
<p>and to your last point, somewhat true, i am actually having a lot of trouble convincing myself to enroll in 103. though the math 113 teacher will eat me up, i just can’t let go of the feeling of regret of not taking 101a with marshakhkahhkhk for an easy easy class… so basically i need someone to convince me it’s worth it to take 103 over 101a in light of my schedule, if anyone else cares to give some advice?</p>
<p>I’m having the same dilemma… Did you have your telebears already? if so, which did you go with?</p>
<p>what are you taking next sem? & no i didnt have my telebears yetttttt</p>