<p>Alright, so I have a pretty rigorous course load for my junior year:</p>
<p>AP Government
AP World History
AP Biology
AP Biology Lab</p>
<p>Honors Spanish
Honors English
Honors Elementary Functions
<p>Now, I am debating over whether or not I should take Honors Ancient World History. This would mean that I have no study halls and an even greater workload. However, I do enjoy the subject, it would help me with the AP world test, and it would help my rank... AP gov and AP world are the two most work-intensive courses at my school...</p>
<p>So, should I or should I not take Honors Ancient World History?
I am hoping the CC community can help me out... thanks!</p>
<p>Not exactly; I'm pretty sure AP World focuses more on later periods of history in the classroom. Of course, stuff still appears on the AP test, and any help you can get is, by definition, good.</p>
<p>In terms of getting into college, study halls are like syphilis: painfully embarrassing, quickly recognized by admissions people (if they're staring right at it anyway), and easy to avoid. Man up and take the class; it looks really interesting!</p>