Scheduling UA visit- Friday 1/31

<p>I was wondering if anyone could offer insight or suggestions about scheduling a campus visit. I went to the campus visit scheduling site, with the hope of scheduling a tour the morning of Friday, January 31st, but no tours were offered. </p>

<p>We were planning to drive down Thursday, visit Fri/Sat, and drive back on Sunday. Does the University not offer any tours that day, or is it possible they are all booked? Is there an event in town that weekend? </p>

<p>Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you.</p>

<p>Any thoughts would be appreciated. My daughter is an accepted student with the presidential scholarship, but has not yet visited. Do you think the honors college would be able to assist with finding out if any tours might be offered?</p>

<p>I see from the calendar that there are several dates in which no tours are offered. Honestly, we found that bus tour the least helpful part of our initial visit. I would not let the lack of a bus tour stop you from visiting. </p>

<p>The two days you have to explore the campus are more than enough. It may be possible for someone to take you around a bit in golf cart if that would make it or break it for you, but you’d need to contact the honors college directly to ask.</p>

<p>Sometimes tours get booked full as some of the tour is on a bus with a fixed seating capacity. Self-guided tours are available and many people prefer these over the walking/bus tour as it allows more time to explore. UA students are very friendly and will often go out of their way to help visitors find different places on campus.</p>

<p>My suggestion is to contact the honors college and schedule a campus visit based on your daughter’s interests. The people who organize these visits are great at their jobs and will do their best to accommodate your daughter’s interests. mom2collegekids often posts their contact info, though a quick call to the Honors College will also get you in touch with those scheduling campus visits. Don’t be surprised if it takes awhile to get a detailed visit schedule as they organize many prospective student tours and events.</p>

<p>Yes, definitely contact Honors College; they will help you get what you need. Or, contact the department that your D is interested in and they can probably set up what you need. We were just there for our first visit (S is presidential) on Dec. 19th, and our schedule was coordinated (on fairly short notice) by Haley Boyd in the Dept of Engineering. Very helpful! We spent one full day on campus, including the official campus tour. Good luck!</p>

<p>Probably the tours are booked that day and that’s why none are shown.</p>

<p>send an email to the addresses below and tell them your child’s stats and interested major. *They will arrange the rest of the day. Explain that there aren’t any more campus tours that day so that they’ll know that you need to see the campus.</p>

<p>Honors College recruitment</p>

<p>Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>PiperMI, keep checking the website… This past summer there were no tours being offered on the day we had hoped to tour, and then several days later suddenly there were! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I do agree, though, that the bus tour is not all that informative. IMO You will get much more out of the tours given by honors college volunteers and meetings with faculty. </p>

<p>Good luck! I hope you enjoy your visit!</p>

<p>Honestly you can see a great deal of the campus if you hop on the Crimson Ride and talk to the bus driver and the students. When my son and I visited we parked in an underground garage and stood stood on the street looking clueless. Within a minute one of the lovely Crimson Ride drivers pulled to the side of the road and asked where we were going. She took us under her wing and got us to our destination while we had a chance to talk to the students on the bus. It was one of the highlights of the day as we really had a chance to appreciate the friendly and helpful vibe of UA.</p>

<p>PiperMI, the calendar has been updated. Tour slots are now available for 8:30 and 2:30 on 1/31.</p>

<p>Thank you all! We grabbed the 830 slot to leave time later in the day. We are very excited about the visit!</p>

<p>That is great news, PiperMI! Let us know how your visit goes!</p>

<p>Thanks again, all! </p>

<p>Does anyone know if there is any opportunity to overnight with a student? We know a friend of a friend of a friend’s son that is a current student, but that is it.</p>

<p>Does the school coordinate overnight visits, like other schools? Thanks!</p>

<p>UA rarely offers official overnight student visits where a prospective student stays in a dorm room and even then, it’s in very unique circumstances. Note that as long as all the roommates agree, your daughter could spend the night in the friend of a friend’s son’s room as UA has generous rules for allowing guests to stay in dorm rooms unless said dorm room is in Tutwiler (an all-female dorm). It’s up to you on allowing your daughter to spend the night with a bunch of male college students however.</p>

<p>UA does have some model dorm rooms that any prospective student can walk in and see and the Honors College will often have a student ambassador or employee give you a tour. It used to be that some student ambassadors would let you see their personal rooms, but as many upperclassmen are no longer living on campus and liability issues resulting from such actions, this no longer happens.</p>

<p>Thanks SEA Tide for your response. There is no way I would allow her to stay in the dorm with a male host…no way. I’m sure we’ll get a good flavor for the school during our visit. One of our biggest decision points is whether she will fit in and be comfortable at a southern school.</p>

<p>The Honors College used to set up some overnight visits with students, but I wonder if that’s not happening much anymore…as SEA_Tide says, most upperclassmen move off campus. </p>

<p>Also, unless the visitor sleeps on the couch in the living room of a supersuite, I don’t know where the visitor would sleep. Where do other schools have visitors sleep? In a standard double with 2 beds/2 occupants, where do they put the visitor</p>

<p>^At TAMU Corps of Cadets, the host cadet throws a sleeping bag on the floor and gives his/her bed to the guest. I doubt that is typical for other colleges.</p>

<p>My D Slept on the floor - providing your own sleeping bag was required.</p>