<p>Hi, I'm currently a freshman. I'm taking my MCAT the summer after my sophomore year. This is something I have already decided so I have no questions about when to take my MCAT; however my question is when to take certain classes. Right now this is the schedule I'm thinking of:</p>
<p>Fall 08 (current):
Chem I/ Chem I lab
Calc II
a music class</p>
<p>Spring 09:
Vertebrate Physiology
Chem II/ Chem II research lab
Eng. 2</p>
<p>Summer 09:
Organic I
Spanish possibly?</p>
<p>Fall 09:
Organic II/ Organic II lab
experimental biology lab
physics I
psychology possibly?</p>
<p>Spring 10:
Physics II
Cell Structure & Function
some English class</p>
<p>The thing is that I decided to take Organic I over the summer so that I could be one semester ahead of my original plan and not have any Organic in Spring 10 so that I could start studying for the MCATs. Do you guys think this is a good idea? or would it not be that big of a deal to just take organic the same semester I will be studying for the MCATs?
Also I put off taking Molecular Bio/L because I thought having Organic II/Org. II lab with molecular might be too much instead of physics and organic II/L. would missing out on molecular bio put me at a disadvantage for the MCATs?</p>
<p>why are you limiting yourself to 4 classes/semester? At my state school most science majors (including myself) take 5-6 classes, sometimes more depending on the type (16-19 credits) per semester. 2 semesters per reg. academic year.</p>
<p>^ It depends on the school. At my school, a science class is 4 credits, labs are 1, so if a student here is taking 4 courses, 2 of them with labs, that's already 18 credits. That's probably why OP isn't taking more than 4 per semester.</p>
<p>I'm confused... is this your entire college schedule? Are you trying to graduate in 2.5 years? Because personally I think that's crazy. I also think MCAT after sophomore year is crazy. Of course, I'm taking as long as possible (full undergrad + a year... or 2 off) to become slave to the man. Maybe a more traditional applicant can give you better advice.</p>
<p>Regardless, I wouldn't want to study for the MCAT while taking a full courseload that includes Organic. People do it, and if you think you're a good enough student to excel in both, then maybe you can handle it, but at my school pre-meds avoid it if they can.</p>
<p>No that's just my freshman and sophomore years.
There are many pre-meds that take their MCATs early.
but thanks, I thought that studying for MCATs and studying for organic might be too much.
and more than 4 classes is crazy. I'd rather just take 15 credits each semester and get A's in all my classes than try to cram more classes in and not spend quality time on each studying and really learning the material. There's no need to rush it.</p>