
<p>To parents of children already in college: If your child took AP Bio and got a 4 or 5, did anybody choose to take the class but opt out of the lab portion? Is that recommended?</p>

<p>If you are retaking Bio in college, then the class comes with the lab and it seems that you would have to take both...</p>

<p>But these are questions your kid's advisor can give answers to....and it depends on the college as well.</p>

<p>I know that when I took AP Bio (got a 4, despite the worst teacher ever) there was no way to opt out of the lab portion. There is a whole section on the test that is based strictly on the labs that the CollegeBoard has you do in class. I dont think it would be possible to get a 4 or 5 without that.</p>

<p>Redneck - are you talking about opting out of the lab in high school, or in college?</p>

<p>In general if you are hoping to use the class to meet a college distribution requirement the college will require it to have the lab. If you are taking it for hs credit but don't expect to use it for college credit it is less likely to be an issue but your gc is the best source of info.</p>