<p>So it is possible for me to have classes on only Tuesday and Thursday, but
Id have solid class from 8-2 and then a discussion section for one hour on Monday. But I would have Wednesday and Friday off, which I really like. </p>
<p>On the other hand, I could set it up so I have clas TTh from 8-9:30 then 11-2 (food break?) and a class MWF from 11-12. Which do you guys think is better? I dont know if I have the stamina for 6 solid hours of class...</p>
<p>Wednesdays and Fridays off does sound promising, doesn't it? And yeah, like you said, it's an issue of stamina. First of all, 8 AM classes aren't as easy to get for as incoming freshmen think. If it were TTh 10-4, I would say go for it, by all means. But 8 AM straight through lunch will be very tough. Frankly, I say go for option 2: you'll still have 8 AM classes but it won't be a marathon. And you'll still get a verrrrrry nice MWF (and you'll have a weekend that starts at 12 PM Friday, which is always nice).</p>