Scholars Interest Inventory received?

<p>Did anyone get a confirmation that their Interest Inventory was received? My D sent hers in on 3/16 but hasn't received the confirmation postcard they promised.</p>

<p>Just emailed them and they confirmed receipt.</p>

<p>Postcard came today here instate.</p>

<p>when i called the scholars office they said they were backed up and that they would send out the postcards soon. i received it yesterday.</p>

<p>i recieved mine yesterdays in ny, you should get urs soon</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the scholars email address is so I can ask them if they received my interest inventory?</p>

<p>D still hasn’t got hers in NC…</p>

<p><a href=""></a></p>

<p>does anyone know when we are going to find out whether we got in the specific program or not?</p>

<p>I believe the card said that confirmation of programs would be sent out on April 11, but I think you can call and find out earlier in the week.</p>

<p>i got into life sciences! :slight_smile:
if you want to know if you got in or not just call the office and they will tell you</p>

<p>S got an email from the Assistant Director of his LEP (Architecture) around March 25…which is how he knew he got into that program.</p>

<p>Did any of you go to the Scholars orientation and visit the dorm room on the 7th floor South?</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten the mail notification of what program they are in? I know you can call the office, but I was wondering if the letters have been received yet. Thanks.</p>

<p>Nothing here today in Maryland, astrophysics mom.</p>

<p>D called today after school (we were out of the country last week) and was pleased to find out that she got into her first choice, Environment, Technology, and Economy. When she met with one of the assistant directors, he told her that he didn’t think there would be any problem with her getting her first choice. I believe that the Business-oriented one, and the Science one get filled immediately. I hope everyone got what they wanted!</p>

<p>Congrats for your DD! I know for the Politics and Govt, they are told at orientation if you decide to transfer out don’t expect to get back in since they always have a waiting list.</p>