Scholarship Appeal Chances

I recently got notified by my school that I failed to meet the GPA requirement to keep a scholarship I had. I’ve decided to appeal it, and I was looking to see if my chances of my appeal being approved were good.

To break it down:

I struggled with a severe mental disorder throughout the entirety of the school year.

Said disorder left me confined to my dorm for extended periods of time and resulted in frequent trips to the on-campus doctor’s office, both of which resulted in poor grades.

During the first semester, I sought out counseling, but my symptoms persisted.

During the second semester I was prescribed medication to alleviate my symptoms, and for the remainder of the year I was in the adjustment period so I had yet to receive a therapeutic effect from them.

I have a note from my physician explaining my disorder and how it has affected me academically.

In my letter, I stated that I was going to continue taking my medication and that by the time the fall semester started, they should be in full effect.

I also stated that I spent most of my time dealing with my disorder and looking for treatment that works for me, and now that I’ve found what works I can shift my full attention towards my academics in the future.

With all of that said, are my chances of my appeal getting approved any good? Is there anything in what I stated that might be an obstacle in getting my appeal approved? I’d love to hear you guys’ opinions.