Scholarship application and ACT scores

I just wanted to double check this before DS starts on his application this week. He is intending to retake ACT to hopefully increase the level of scholarship he is eligible for. I know he can send in additional scores after the general application is submitted, but I wondered if he should hold off on the scholarship application until his September and October ACT scores are posted. I want to be sure that the scholarships can still be updated even though the scholarship application has been submitted. Thanks for any advice!

Bump. (Good question).

Since the scholarship levels are automatic I would think that it would not matter when you apply for them. Is there even an application for scholarships? I thought everyone filled out the same application and then the money awards were automatic once scores came in. I could be wrong, but that is my understanding

Go ahead and fill out the scholarship application now. If a subsequent score qualifies him for a larger merit scholarship, he will automatically be awarded the higher amount. That was our experience last year (entering freshman fall 2016). Her December 2015 score qualified her for a larger scholarship, and she received notification from UA that the amount had been increased as a result of the newly-submitted score.

@AlbionGirl What was you son’s ACT test score and what is his GPA for freshman through junior year?

For now, have your son fill out the application. When your son retakes the ACT, he will submit his new score. As long as he meets both the GPA requirement and the ACT level requirement, his scholarship level will update.

After he fills out the application and gets his CWID number ( make sure he checks his email every day), he will fill out the scholarship application. This must be completed before Dec 15 (*see the info I copied below). Make sure that all his transcripts and test scores are received prior to that date.

In addition, there is an application for the Honors College, which includes a short essay.

***This was copied directly from UA’s website

Entering Freshman Students

Entering freshmen must submit the following by December 15 of their senior year in high school in order to receive priority consideration for academic scholarships:

Complete the application for admission
Complete the application for scholarships
Step-by-step instructions for completing the scholarship application
Official high school transcript*
Official test score on either the ACT or SAT
Required scholarship documentation (if applicable)
Entering freshmen should apply for scholarships during the fall of their senior year in high school. A completed admissions application will need to be submitted to The University of Alabama before completing the scholarship application.

The scholarship priority date is December 15 (the application should be submitted online by December 15 and any required materials sent by mail should be postmarked no later than December 15). This means that the national December ACT and national December SAT results are the last college entrance examination results accepted for students who wish to be considered for scholarships.

In order to be considered for any scholarships you are eligible for as an incoming freshman, a completed scholarship application must be submitted online (this includes the resume portion of the scholarship application). To complete the scholarship application, go to myBama, log in, click the Academics tab, and select the Application for Scholarships link in the Scholarships box. Please note that when you apply it generally takes 24-48 hours for you to receive your CWID so that you may access the scholarship application.

Once a scholarship application has been submitted, changes cannot be made to the application online. All changes must be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships using our contact form.

When a student submits the scholarship application, it is disseminated to the National Alumni Association and the college/school in which you will major (e.g., Arts and Sciences, Business, etc.) for scholarship consideration. Entering freshmen are not responsible for submitting numerous applications to different departments.

The application is updated each year, so it is very important to wait until the senior year of high school to ensure that the correct application is completed.

  • Grade point averages for 9th-11th grade are the only years reviewed for scholarship consideration.

Here is a link to the page I copied this information from:

In addition, this is a page you should become familiar with:

I’m going to repeat what I posted in another thread:

No separate application is required for the Presidential Scholarship. The Presidential and other guaranteed awards are awarded automatically based on the GPA and ACT/SAT scores submitted with the application for admission. If new scores are submitted after the application is received, the award level will be increased automatically (up to and including the December test dates).

**The scholarship application you all are talking about is required only if you want to apply for additional scholarships. **There are all sorts of those - for children of alumni, students who live in this or that county in Alabama (or elsewhere), etc. You name it - there’s probably a scholarship for it! The application will ask all sorts of questions to see which of the scholarships you might qualify for. But if you don’t want to do it, you don’t need to - it has NOTHING to do with the awards of automatic scholarships.

Doesn’t matter when you apply, you merit will be updated as long as scores are sent by Dec deadline.

@AlbionGirl and @dodgersmom Yes, that is true about the merit scholarships which is why I posted the link to the Scholarship FAQs section in the above post. Everyone really should become familiar with all the facts, there are various scholarships available.

Really who wouldn’t take the time to fill out the Schoarship Application? There may be additional scholarships that your student is eligible for and entitled to. Why leave potential money on the table?? Please take the time to fill out the application. That is my best advice.

Thanks everyone. He qualifies for the half tuition scholarship right now and I just wanted to make sure that he could be upgraded to a higher level (assuming he can bump up his ACT score) even if the general and scholarship applications were already submitted.

One other quick question. In the section of the application dealing with all colleges attended, if you have dual enrollment during high school from community college should you list these courses and just leave the graduation date blank?