Scholarship application tips

So I’m 99% sure I will be named an NMF and I plan on attending UA. Since the NMF scholarship isn’t quite a full ride, I naturally want to get extra scholarships to boost that to a full ride. Will just my academic record (31 act, 2030 sat) qualify me for any extra scholarships, or should I put anything I can think of in the application questions - work, extracurriculars (which I’m lacking other than doing robotics just for fun for 4 years), lower family financial status? I’m a little confused since the questions don’t appear to refer to specific scholarships, but rather you say things about yourself and the staff decides applicable scholarships for you? What might make me stand out?

andyjs, what will be your major? If its engineering, you will get an additional $2500 per year. I have heard if you are accepted for the Computer Based Honors Program you might get additional money for this, but it is a very hard program to get into, especially with a 31 ACT (most have 35 or 36). You might get loans/scholarships if you are low income. Other than that, I don’t really think there are many other scholarships that you would be eligible for since you are already getting the Presidential Scholarship which gives you full tuition. As NMF you will also get one year of housing and $3500 p/year stipend. This should offset some of the other things you have to pay. You will have to pay your freshman year for food (unlimited dining plan), $325 per semester for dining dollars (which are refundable at the end of the year if you don’t use them), books and fees. If you move off campus for the remaining 3 years you may save money as rent can be less expensive and you will no longer need a meal plan. There are not many schools that give a full ride for your stats and if you make NMF the full tuition and $3500 stipend (and maybe $2500 engineering scholarship) gets you pretty close. Hope you come check Alabama out - roll tide!

lower family financial status?



If your family is lowish income, then your family would likely qualify for a Pell Grant. Have you ran the NPC on Bama’s website to see?

I am applying for the out of state Presidential Scholarship. The scholarship application page lists several different categories of scholarships, but not the out of state or Presidential. Do I just submit the scholarship application without designating what category I am applying for? Or am I missing something - is there a place to designate the out of state Presidential Scholarship application?

The OOS Presidential is automatic based on stats and has nothing to do with the scholarship application which is for additional scholarships.

OK thanks.

I’m going for something in the Business department, so there aren’t extra scholarships there that I know of. My family has received Pell grants from my siblings, so I can likely qualify for one of them as well.

@andyjs will you have siblings in college while you attend? Sounds like you will get a Pell Grant

No, I will be the only one in my family in college. I assume the NMF scholarship will decrease the Pell Grant size as well?

When my daughter was named a NMF, she also got a $1000 per year scholarship from them. Hey, it paid for books every year. So there is another chance for a bit of money.

@andyjs NO…you get your Pell Grant no matter what. Scholarships CAN NOT decrease Pell. You get whatever Pell your EFC determines.

Are you a NMSF?

@JetSet The NMF award that Bama mentions includes the small part that comes thru NMCorp…because that money is Bama’s money that gets paid thru NMCorp.

Must me a new way of doing since our daughter went through. Hers was on top of the NMF award.

Yes, I am NMSF and with an SAT of 2030 and only one B on my record, I’m nearly guaranteed NMF from my understanding. It’s good to know that the Pell will stack on what UA is already giving me.

JetSet, my senior son gets the $1,000 award, however, they changed it and now give other years a stipend which includes that $1,000 dollars (I think its $3500 a year).