Scholarship chance?

<p>My weighted GPA is like 4 (my school adds .3 to advanced classes, A+ is a 4.0 unweighted)
I got a 31 on the ACT, twice, retaking in October
I come from a very competitive public school, rated 20th in the country. I know a kid in my school who had like a 3.5 unweighted, which is a B+/A- and got a 2080 on the SAT, and he got the 24k scholarship (he's very wealthy so he didn't qualify for financial aid)</p>

<p>A lot of the colleges know about our school. Most kids go to Ivy’s. I also got a 740 on Bio-M and I will have 6 APs by the end of high school. I’m in advanced classes.</p>

<p>marcr 92,</p>

<p>Take a look here:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;