Scholarship Deadline Question

I am a senior and have not yet taken the ACT. I will take the ACT twice: October 24th, and again in December.I did not have much time to study and based on practice test scores believe I will get a 28 on the ACT in October (7.6k per year scholarship). However, I am certain that in December I will be able to get at least a 30 (15.5k per year scholarship). This is a HUGE difference for me.

According to their website:

So I have two options:

  1. Apply in November, slightly after the priority deadline, and get a 7.6k scholarship
  2. Apply in December. May or may not get the 15.5k scholarship or no scholarship at all.

What does a “first-come, first-served basis” mean? What are the chances that I will (or will not) get a scholarship if I apply in December as soon as I get my ACT scores back? LSU may apply for bankruptcy so I’m afraid that’ll mean that their funding will get “exhausted” rather quickly.

Can I apply in November, then if I get a better ACT score in December request for a scholarship “upgrade”?

So I did some more research and it is indeed possible to get a scholarship upgrade if a better ACT score comes out.

However, the estimated date for scores to be posted is December 22, 2015 – February 5, 2016. Does anyone here know when scholarship funds are typically exhausted? Does this usually happen almost instantly? Or is there a good chance that there will be enough funding left when my December scores arrive?


another bump

What was your result? Did you get an upgrade in the spring?

Hi does anyone know whether Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge offers financial aid for international students? I’m sorry I could not find it on the internet.

Sorry but pretty sure they don’t but keep looking in case.