Scholarship details University of Arizona for National Hispanic Scholar?

Hi. Hoping someone might be able to answer a question for me. My daughter just finished her Junior year with 4.0 and 33 ACT/1460 SAT. One of her top choices right now is UA. With her stats, she qualifies for the Arizona Distinction Award of $35,000, which is what OOS tuition runs. She is also National Hispanic Scholar, and they offer the value of the original Arizona tuition award + $5000 National Scholar award +$1500 one-time study abroad. In addition, she would be in College of Engineering, and they offer an additional $1000 scholar award, and you can apply for the $5000 Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Scholarship which would replace the $1000 if you are able to get it. So we were excited, because we can really use help with the additional fees on top of tuition which are currently running ~ $1400. And also wanted to use part of the extra money towards Room and Board (she wants to do Honors College, and of course their dorms and meal plan are the most expensive on campus). But I was reading the fine print on their website, and it says you can only use merit awards towards Base Tuition. If this is the case, maybe they only offer the additional $5000 and $1000 because most incoming freshmen don’t get the full $35,000 award so need additional money for tuition? So I’m wondering, will she be capped at only getting $35,000 for the tuition cost? Or would she still be able to use the additional National Scholar award money for fees, R&B, etc? I have sent an inquiry to the school of course, but I just wanted to know if any of you have had National Scholar money from UA and how they treated it?

I don’t know the answer but congrats to your daughter! I see you are in Denver, so are we. My son also just finished his junior year and U of A is his top choice. He’s not that high on the scholarship chart, but should get $15k, if we have his core GPA calculated correctly.

Anyway, I would think for a student at your daughter’s level that they would do what they could to help her out. Good luck!

Thanks! Good luck to your son!