Scholarship/financial aid questions

<p>Ok so I just got my financial aid packet and I'm really disappointed and confused. I got like $4,000 from the Miami grant and I don't understand why? I'm guessing it has to do with my EFC is high like 1920 or something like that. But I don't understand, how does that work???? Can I redo my fasfa?? Also how do music scholarships work??? Do they only go to music majors or can nonmajors get the big ones too??? I really want to go to Miami & I emailed the finanail aid office, but they really ddnt help out. Also, before I forget, can I get fasfa grants that we'd not awarded through the school and also if I get a grant from louisian can I use it at Miami? Thanks!</p>

<p>As far as your FAFSA, no, you cannot redo it or change information on there if what you have is correct and accurate. If you were to resubmit an application with different numbers there’s a chance you could be selected for a verification process that would require you to send in tax transcripts, so you’ll just end up right where you started. And what you received in your packet includes any grants you were awarded from FAFSA and the school, so I’m not sure there’s much to do about the government grants. But if you e-mail UM they might be helpful in telling you why it is they awarded you the amount they did and why you did or did not receive other grants. </p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>If your EFC was $1,920 then you should have also been eligible for a PELL grant and also loans. Were you awarded any work study, the PELL, etc?</p>

<p>$1920 annual expected family contribution seems quite low to me, meaning that you should be eligible for more aid from somewhere - either from UM need based grants (like Coral) or from Feds (like Pell or work-study). I assume you weren’t able to improve on the 26 ACT composite you reported awhile back on CC - altho you said you were going to retake it. I chanced you then that you probably wouldn’t be in line for any merit/academic money - but need based aid is a whole different animal. </p>

<p>Can’t comment on Frost at all - don’t have a clue how that particular school works within UM as a whole. Instead of emailing UM finaid office, call them directly or have a 3 way call with your parents on the line too. Is there anyone at your school (guidance) that could help you figure this out. There are also financial planners who will assist with college funding for a fee of course - but some will say they will find you more aid that they cost, so at worst you break even. Just some ideas…</p>

<p>As to Frost scholarships, nonperformance majors are eligible, but you had to have a major within the school and have completed an audition</p>

<p>Ok I just checked and my efc was like 19,000 I believe. Sorry that was a misprint. But I still am a confused on how it all works out. I’ve been talking to my hs counselour and she told me I had to email the finanaid office bc even though my mom had a high income job she had only been working for a little bit so in reality that income # really did not mean we could pay it all. I am actually taking the April ACT again, but I didn’t know if I should send it to Miami again bc if I make a 31 or higher I ddnt think I would qualify for a merit since I’m only in to top 20% with roughly 3.5 gpa so idk thanks for the ideas zinc! Mdgirl so are the scholarships only for people in the frost wind ensembles bc I wanted to do marching band and the university wind ensemble so how does that apply to me??</p>

<p>Unless your major is within Frost and you applied and auditioned for Frost, you are not eligible for a music scholarship.</p>