Scholarship forthcoming?

<p>So I just got completely crap need based aid at Geneseo – $29,500 worth of loans and $1500 worth of work study. No grants at all.</p>

<p>Are scholarships mailed with the acceptance letters/fin aid letters, or have they yet to be awarded?</p>

<p>I got a letter today too. I have about 13k financial aid/grants/awards & 7k loans. It says its only estimates, so I’m assuming it means the real stuff will come later? Or is this a final thing?</p>

<p>Also, is there a date to mail the letter back? I’m leaning towards going to geneseo but I haven’t decided yet :o</p>

<p>I think May 1st is usually the date. The estimate should be pretty solid, as far as I know.</p>

<p>Are you in state?</p>

<p>Yeap, I’m in state.</p>

<p>When I toured Geneseo they said they do not give scholarships to incoming freshmen.</p>

<p>But now that I look at their website…different information comes up. Huh. I’m thoroughly confused.</p>

<p>Huh, too bad. I guess they’re only aiming at out-of-staters with deep pockets. That seems sort of weird considering they have a good reputation.</p>

<p>Edit: hmm…their website doesn’t state anything very clearly!</p>

<p>My friend said she got a presidential scholarship from geneseo o.o</p>

<p>What? How?</p>

<p>Not sure, she said she just got it in her acceptance mail.</p>

<p>Can I ask your credentials?</p>

<p>My son’s aid letter was entirely composed of loans with the exception of a $500 NYS TAP grant. Thanks for nothing. He has a 95 average with all AP/IB/Honors courses, a 1440/2240 on his SAT and a 31 on the ACT, strong ECs (not exceptional, but strong) and great teacher recs. Not one drop of merit money. He did not receive an invitation to apply for the Honors Program either. We did receive, however, a letter from admissions telling us about the Kiplingers ranking. Geneseo has dropped down on the list, that’s for sure. We would make out better at the private schools he’s applied to than at Geneseo.</p>

<p>My daughter is in the Honors program at Geneseo. I believe the invitations to apply come a week or so after the acceptance letters. If you are selected you receive a $2,000 a year scholarship. I do not believe Geneseo gives other merit based awards since they have so many qualified applicant with good grades, SATs etc. and their tuition for in-staters is so low. They do give needs-based awards though.</p>

<p>They do give out of state merit scholarships to lower out of state tuition.</p>