Scholarship info

<p>There are several Scholarships available for freshmen. I know that the Honors program requires submissions after acceptance but what abot he other scholarships? When are those offered?</p>

<p>Are you Early decision? Usually on the financial award there would be scholarships listed.</p>

<p>No regular decision. wondering If info will come with regular decision. My son wiil get in. I am hoping for a little extra. SAT 1460/2210 with a 4.0 unweigted GPA.</p>

<p>Thats a great SAT. Hope you get something! I hope my daughter is accepted!!</p>

<p>Thanks. We are getting to that point where we just want to know.</p>

<p>about 10 days now…wait is rough!</p>

<p>I have two kids at Geneseo. Kid 1 is in the honors program. She was invited to apply after she was accepted and had to write an essay to get in. The scholarship is worth $2000 a year.</p>

<p>Kid 2 was also invited to apply for the honors program but didn’t get in. But, instead, she was awarded a Scholar in Residence award. That gives her free room (but not board) in exchange for being an occasional overnight host for perspective students. That’s currently a $6800 value.</p>

<p>Thanks. I am hoping for more info to come. Still waiting on aid info from other schools too.</p>

<p>wow CJ MOM thats great!</p>

<p>S received in mail today an invitation to apply to the Edgar Fellows Program. Membership carries a $2000 scholarship. Interesting. Is anyone familiar with this?</p>

<p>There is a good answer from an old thread here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>and here is the link on the school’s site: [The</a> Edgar Fellows Program | SUNY Geneseo](<a href=“]The”>Edgar Fellows Honors Program | SUNY Geneseo).</p>

<p>I also called the school and they do a good job explaining the application process and the program itself. Good Luck.</p>

<p>@disneydad did yo also apply to Gettysburg? I saw you on the other thread…Just an FYI Gettysburg will meet need and have good scholarships. They also do give grants.</p>

<p>Thanks Disneydad.</p>

<p>Our son also received the Edgar Fellows invitation. In doing some reading, this is essentially Geneseo’s honors program. Definitely worth looking into.</p>

<p>@GC mom We are waiting to hear from Gettysburg. It was one of his top choices for awhile but Providence and Geneseo are his top two right now. We probably won’t decide for sure until close to the deadline. He received the Edgar Fellows invite also. Lots of factors to consider.</p>

<p>@disneydad…I know its a tough decision. In 2010 my son was admitted to Geneseo. At the end of the 11 schools we were left with Geneseo, Gettysburg and Siena as far as affordability. His major is health science so Gettysburg had a little more for him and he had a better feeling about the school but I did love Geneseo. I am super bummed my daughter did not get in for fall being she wants secondary ED but was offered spring. So we will head up and see if she would stay home for a semester or do the Siena Bridge Program. Who know maybe they will pull her off the wait list. We are also waiting for a couple or more schools. I am also waiting for a revised financial award from Providence. We are at the final stretch now! Too bad when this is over my son has to start applying to grad programs and here we go again!</p>

<p>Hey I am and out of state student thinking about going to Geneseo. I have a 3.5 gpa(unweighted) with all ap/gt/honors classes. I got into their BS/DO program. I was wondering how often/likely they are to give scholarships to out of state residents. I did get a deans fellow merit award at UMBC(my local university) but I haven’t heard from Geneseo. I got my acceptance letter like 3 days ago so I’m thinking that maybe next week I might get another letter including my financial aid/scholarship package? Also I just send my fafsa 2 days ago to them. Any ideas?</p>

<p>I’m an out of state student and got a $5,000 a year Dean’s Scholarship. So yes, scholarships are awarded to out of state students.</p>

<p>Looking like Providence for us.</p>

<p>Did you get your Geneseo Financial package yet? We are still waiting for ours.</p>