Scholarship notification

<p>My S has Bama as his first choice and qualifies for an OOS scholarship based on grades and ACT score. He will apply as soon as the new application is available and will send in the housing deposit to secure his spot for housing when he is accepted. Two questions:</p>

<li> When will the applications be available on line for the 2013/2014 year</li>
<li> Are scholarships awarded when admissions decisions go out or do they wait until later in the process to let you know what they are offering</li>

<p>Thanks and please advise.</p>

<p>Last summer, which feels like 100 years ago now, students could apply in August. </p>

<p>Once all of the info was into UA, including test scores and transcripts, they sent an admission letter around the beginning of September. </p>

<p>In October or November, a letter with what you qualified for scholarship wise was sent out. However, the “official” scholarship letter was sent in March (I think).</p>

<p>That’s how I remember it also.</p>

<p>Can you actually make the housing deposit as early as the August more than a year before you plan to attend? And, if so, does it help in any way to give the deposit soooo early if the rising-senior will be in an Honors dorm as a freshman?</p>

<p>no, housing deposit could not be made until October 1. If I remember correctly, you can make your deposit for UA earlier, as soon as or shortly after you are accepted to the school. But the housing was October 1.</p>

<p>And yes, my son would tell you that it is very advantageous to make the housing deposit as early as possible. He had the first day, first hour of housing selection. He went in, picked a room, pulled in his 3 room mates, and was done and happy. In the dorm he wanted to be in. Other students were stressing…although I do think it is ultimately working out for them as well!</p>

<p>Sounds like Oct 1 is the way to go. Good to know. Thank you.</p>

<p>BTW, when does the roommate-finder start up? Is it possible to “locate” viable suite-mates this early?</p>

<p>my son found the roomate match thing not vey helpful. He actually went through the FB page that was started pretty early, and is actually rooming with people he met at CBHP interview weekend.</p>

<p>The school app goes live in July…usually after the 4th. You’ll be notified about the scholarship within a month or two…depending on how fast they process stuff.</p>

<p>The dates are in my planner as follows:</p>

<p>July 6th Application completed
July 23rd Scholarship app completed
August 22nd Acceptance received via My Bama
August 22nd Completed Honors College App
August 27th Acceptance via mail (with nice certificate and car window cling)
September 29th Rec’d Honors College Acceptance
October 1st Paid Freshman and Housing deposits
October 20th Rec’d letter from Dr Witt on Presidential Scholarship (the unofficial letter)
November 10th Private Honors college visit
November 11th Attended University Days
November 26th The IRON BOWL
March Official letters started coming
April 12th Dorm room selection (1st day, 1st time)</p>

<p>Hope this helps!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide :)</p>

<p>Just had to put those 2 football dates in, my son was already all Bama but of course those 2 wins made him feel all the more confident in knowing Bama was the place he wanted to be!</p>

<p>I thought I had read early July in these threads somewhere, M2CK, thank you for that clarification.</p>

<p>Do you know how early UA would be aware officially of a student’s NMSF status award? I think I read that the high schools find out earlier than the students do (do the colleges have access to this info too?)…and then, after the NMF awards after students’ NMF application/papers are complete in the the new year, UA would ammend the scholarship to include the full NMF package, Yes?</p>

<p>Wow crimsonmomnc…I am more than impressed! Did you put all of that in the baby book? LOL…</p>

<p>I hope to be more like you when I grow up, organization is not my thing!</p>


<p>What a great guideline! Thanks so very much for looking it up!!
(And for actually HAVING it!!!lol)</p>

<p>wow Crimson Mom! You must be an awesome record-keeper!</p>

<p>S had his acceptance & preliminary scholarship notification before senior year started in Sept. It was a great way to start off the year.</p>

<p>Hmm I just read Crimson mom’s timeline, maybe the preliminary scholarship notification wasn’t received that early not sure now.</p>

<p>I have a question about acceptance to University of Alabama. Do they accept you in the summer before getting your official transcripts and scores? Thanks!</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, you will not get an acceptance until they have your transcripts and scores.</p>

<p>^^^You can apply in the summer but you must send in your transcript and scores ASAP, to be accepted that early. Many guidance offices open early ie: schools in the Northeast starts right after Labor Day, but the guidance staff begins work in August. There are also some schools that keep a skeleton staff on during the summer depending on what is going on in the school district. When my son applied, we finished all his packets (our portion) during the summer, we got all the forms before school closed for the year. Then we were at the guidance office the very first day they were staffed with our requests in hand for letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc. This was weeks before school “officially” opened. We did this for schools that had early application dates. Other schools were completed at a later time.</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, admissions moved about a month slower in August 2011 than they did in August 2009. D1 had her transcripts & test scores sent by July 26th & she had a letter in hand by August 5th. Last year the kids who sent stuff in early still didn’t hear until later in August as in Crimsonmom’s timeline. </p>

<p>Luckily our HS guidance office is working full time by the end of July since that’s when they give out the kids HS schedules/lockers etc. I expect D2 will handle things the same way that D1 did which is requesting all her transcripts to be sent the same day she picks up her senior schedule. Nice to get those things out of the way early ;)</p>

<p>Thanks for all your replies.</p>