Scholarship Notifications and Financial Aid

<p>The financial aid award letter for my daughter appeared for a single day (with the Hokie Bird) several weeks ago, and then disappeared. It was back yesterday, and was identical to the previous version. What I am unaware of is when merit scholarships are announced. Would these be on that same financial aid award letter, if there are any offered? Are they given along with Honors College decisions?</p>

<p>If any of you received merit scholarship offers with your financial aid award letter, please give us some details. We will celebrate along with you.</p>

<p>Our award letter only talks about loans. We are also wondering if some merit money could come with Honors College decision.</p>

<p>We are wondering about this too. I had heard that honors college decisions come out some time in April.
I don’t know if scholarships have already been given out or not. </p>

<p>My understanding from talking to previous VT admits (and I think it says it somewhere on the website too, but couldn’t tell you where right now…) is that merit aid awards come out in April … sometimes as late as April 15. Honors college too won’t be until April.</p>

<p>Thanks @ailinsh1 for keeping us informed. </p>

<p>We got Honor acceptance in a separate small envelop today with the big admissions envelop from VT. We live in Northern Virginia. The honor letter has a line says University Honors Merit Scholarship: No offer. But it also says “This letter does not carry with it a scholarship offer. Those offers have already been sent, and you would have heard separately if you were receiving an Honor merit scholarship”. Anyone received Merit Scholarship with the honor letter?</p>

<p>Was there a difference application for merit scholarship?</p>

<p>Justs got my letter in the mail for honors today. I got in! Congrats to anyone else that got the same news!</p>

<p>So confused…my D gets into the COE but not the honors program. I don’t get it. </p>

<p>Also received letter that my son is in Honors program but no scholarship and nor honors housing. He got a perfect score on the ACT. Merit scholarships are super competitive now. We are torn between Tech and Chapel Hill,</p>

<p>S got his answer from Honors today too … he’s in COE, but rejected from Honors. Wondering if department scholarships have already been awarded or not (e.g., not Honors scholarships, but Engineering scholarships for freshmen).</p>

<p>I do not think they’ve been awarded yet. But I could be wrong. </p>

<p>Accepted to engineering but not honors. We are ok with that. Heard that not many engineering students do honors since curriculum is already so rigorous.</p>

<p>My S is a sophomore in Mechanical Engineering at VT. The engineering curriculum is very tough on it’s own. My S chose to live in the Galileo engineering community. He and I both highly recommend it. The students are very supportive of each other. They have many in-dorm resources such as study groups, test review sessions, and labs as well as an upperclassman mentor. The Galileo male students and the Hypatia lady engineers both live in Lee Hall. The program really gets the engineering students off to a great start. </p>

<p>So the Honors decision will come in a letter whether it the answer is yes or no? My D got her acceptance package yesterday, but nothing about the Honors College yet.</p>

<p>Thanks, Hokiefirst. My S just got his acceptance to Galileo yesterday as well. He didn’t want to live in the Honors dorm, but thought Galileo would be helpful. He’s not too broken up about not being in VT Honors, but we’re hoping for a little $ to make it easy to decide to send him to VT instead of UMCP (our in-state option). Scholarships will reduce UMCP to room and board only for the first two years…</p>

<p>I am confused… how do you know where you are living? Have you already made dorm requests?</p>

<p>Well, as it turns out, you can apply to live in Galileo or Hypatia (first year engineering communities) before accepting the offer of admission. Apparently that application process opened up in January, and they’re doing it on a rolling basis (e.g., he applied last week, and got his approval yesterday). I literally stumbled onto it when looking at something in a link in an email they sent about CEED, and since he really wants to live in the engineering dorm if he goes there, I encouraged him to go on and apply for it now. Here’s the page that gets you started… <a href=“”>;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I went on the website for Hypatia but it seems you have to accept your admission first. </p>

<p>From the website I linked above…</p>

<p>“Apply for Engineering Residential Programs
We are now accepting applications for 2014-2015.
You may apply to the Galileo and Hypatia communities before you accept your offer of admissions. Go to <a href=“Living-Learning Programs | Living-Learning Programs | Virginia Tech”>;/a&gt; and log in using the “non PID access” link at the bottom of the page. You will need your application number to complete the application. If you are offered a spot in the community you will not be able to accept the offer until you accept your admissions offer.”</p>

<p>Sorry, I did forget that it was a bit of a round-about process; I was surprised that this info was not at all highlighted in the admissions info that was sent with the acceptance (everything there indicates you have to accept the admissions offer first, before applying for housing)…</p>

<p>So if you go here <a href=“Living-Learning Programs | Living-Learning Programs | Virginia Tech”>;/a&gt;, in the left menu pane click “Application Overview”, and then click “Apply” also in the left menu pane. At the bottom of that page will be a large “APPLY” button. Click that. It will take you here… <a href=“”>;/a&gt;. At the bottom of this page, click “Non-PID Access”, create an account by using your application # (from your original application), and you should be able to fill out/submit the application to Hypatia (that’s how my son did it for Galileo…).</p>

<p>Thank you again for this info! I gave it to my D!!</p>