Scholarship Offers are up on MyBama

<p>DD scholarships posted this morning!! Yah!!!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for posting this! DS got 2 small scholarship offers, we are grateful…:)</p>

<p>Congratulations on the scholarships!</p>

<p>Does it sow offers above the automatic scholarships yet?</p>

<p>Yes, it shows the automatic scholarships and the additional one that she received through her college.</p>

<p>I received a letter a few months back with an offer for a departmental theatre scholarship, but it’s not listed. Is that normal or should I contact someone?</p>

<p>Not sure if it should be listed or not. I would think so, but maybe you should check with someone about it.</p>

<p>Where exactly is this listed? I don’t see anything on son’s mybama under financial aid on the student page. Is there somewhere else to look? Or do they even list the automatic scholarships if there are no other scholarships?</p>

<p>I can’t find it either, I looked in every tab I could think of…</p>

<p>Under the Academics Tab. In the middle column there is a box for Scholarship related stuff. These pages are customizable so it is possbile this box is located in a different place or it has been closed or minimized.</p>

<p>Academics tab, middle column, scroll down</p>

<p>Thanks for posting this – It is a nice layout and easy to understand. Wish all schools son applied to were as easy to understand.</p>

<p>For my daughter it does not show anything related to what she would be eligible for based on her NMF status. It shows her departmental scholarship (which we had already been notified about) and a university wide scholarship - which I beleive will ultimately be replaced by the NMF related stuff.</p>

<p>Yes, thank you!!! So one question if anyone knows, in his letter the Presidential is listed as the value of the tuition per year (including increases), on the tab it sets the total as the current tuition for 8 semesters. Is this splitting hairs or has something changed?</p>


<p>It doesn’t specifically say National Merit. You will see a line item for $500 for 8 semesters and a line item for room $4400 for 2 semesters. </p>

<p>If you do not see it, verify that a copy of the NMF letter or certificate was sent to <a href=“”></a> or faxed to 205-348-9046 attn Katie Elliott.</p>

<p>upstate – I think it needs to show a dollar value and therefore will use the current tutition rate.</p>

<p>Yes , that makes sense, thanks much :)</p>

<p>Academics tab, mid page.</p>

<p>If you’re missing a scholarship, then email <a href=“”></a> and ask. Include student’s full name and CWID</p>

<p>Found it, thanks. It’s exciting seeing it all laid out on there in one place. :slight_smile: The generosity of these scholarships is truly amazing.</p>