<p>I've been looking for scholarships to help pay for the extra semester I am taking at school. I'm a very average student academically. A 2.75. However, I am extremely active on campus and have started clubs & mentored other students.</p>
<p>I'm in a dillemmna. My GPA is either too low to win leadership scholarships or my leadership is not dramatic enough to win scholarships where GPA doesn't matter.</p>
<p>Should I just give up on scholarships and look for a job?</p>
<p>I also want to add that I have a strong passion in dance therapy, fitness & natural health. At this point, those are the only scholarships I feel confident in winning, but I can’t find any open-to-all scholarships for that.</p>
<p>are you certified to teach physical fitness classes? what about working as a personal trainer? you may be able to find some supplementary income that would take advantage of your strengths and interests. </p>
<p>You are correct… most scholarships are for either a high GPA or a combination of GPA and service/ skills.</p>