Scholarship Question for High School Junior

I’m currently a junior who is very interested in studying computer science at Alabama. I scored a 31 on my ACT and currently that would earn me a full tuition scholarship and an extra 10k over 4 years. Does anyone know when they will announce the scholarships for the next group of applicants (my class). Also, anyone who has been following Bama for awhile, in your opinion, do you think they will stay the same? Thank you for your help!

The 31 will get you 2/3 tuition; you need a 32 for the Presidential full tuition. Can you retake?

The requirements for full tution instate are different than your link, hs2015mom.

The requirements are usually set in the summer if I am remembering correctly. So you have a few months to wait and see. No idea what UA will do and speculation will do not do any good, so not going there.

alright thanks so they should be posted over the summer, and hs2015mom, a 31 in the engineering school is enough for full tuition and 2500 a year

An OOS 31 plus 3.5 did technically achieve the equivalent of full tuition this year but it is not a full tuition scholarship.


In past years, the awards have been announced anytime between April and July.

However, do retest and take the SAT, too. There are some advantages to getting the 32+ and getting the full award from the univ, rather than a combo 2/3 + 1/3 from the univ and Col of Eng’g.

I am planning on retesting, but what are the advantages to it?

UA might change the scholarship thresholds/hurdles, that’s the advantage of retaking!!! Also, if you ever fill out any future forms or scholarships or what-nots, you want the highest score to be reflected. Retaking the test often yields better results. You don’t have to send the scores in unless you want to. But you will at least have them. Some students get a substantial gain in ACT from Junior to Senior year.

No i get all that, Mom2College stated that there are benefits to getting the presidential as opposed to 2/3 from uni 1/3 from engineering and I’m wondering what exactly those benefits are

The benefit is the ability to change your major without worrying about losing 1/3 tuition.

Oh yeah that would be nice! I am signing up to retest, I know they don’t look at your writing score when determining scholarship eligibility. However, does anyone know if they still require you to take the act+ writing or can i just take the act without writing?

There is another benefit. Those with the presidential can take as many credits as they want each semester and they will all be covered.

how many credits can you take with the engineering one?

If you already took the ACT +writing, you won’t have to take the writing again. My son did not take the ACT writing. So UA used his lower SAT score for admittance (which includes writing), but his higher ACT (with out writing) for the Presidential scholarship.

^ Post #9 - this cannot be stated emphatically enough! That is a HUGE benefit!..

I think the award that combines the UA and Eng’g only pays for up to 17 credits per semester. The Presidential pays for unlimited.

Alright well hopefully I can get a 32 on my second testing! Thank you all for all the help!

Also take the SAT…you only have to get a 1400 M+CR…so you only need to practice two sections.