<p>I've been lurking on this thread whenever scholarship decisions come out, and everyone who gets accepted usually has pretty high GPAs. But the qualifications on the website say students qualify by testing in the top 1-2% of the nation. So I'm wondering if I still have a chance at qualifying if I have an slightly average GPA (say 3.77 after 1st semester senior grades) great test scores (still crossing my fingers.. -__-), and amazing extracurriculars/essays/recs. This is all hypothetical, but I just wanted to know if my chances--if any--still exist. I love USC to death, but I know when it comes down to it, it's going to be a $$$ issue for me. Of course I'm going to apply for FinAid, but anything and everything helps.</p>
<p>Also, if it matters, I would apply to SCA for Critical Studies or Production and possibly CLAS for a language-type major. I rarely see people reply to the scholarship threads with any of those specifications (GPA, major choice) so it's kinda disheartening. /: I keep telling myself such people exist, and that they just don't apply.</p>
<p>You have nothing to lose by applying by the merit scholarship deadline. Some students are selected with less than the highest test scores, but have achieved at the national level in some organization, have started companies, written books or done important research. Last year about 22,000 seniors applied early. So you have to be realistic about your chances.</p>
<p>My suggestion is if you have the grades, scores and ecs to consider SC do a thorough search of local scholarship opportunities. There are fraternal, religious groups, ethnic groups, civic groups and political organizations. A student I met from my state had four scholarships awarded before she ever enrolled. This is a source of funds many students overlook. </p>
<p>To be accepted in any major in cinematic arts is an achievement. The admit rates are in the low single digits. In my opionion your chance of admittance would be better with a language major. However, this is the time to follow your dream. Earn the highest grades you possibly can, write a stellar essay and ace the ACT or SATs. Make sure your portfolio indicates your talents, creativity and accomplishments. </p>
<p>None of us here are on the selection committee for the merit scholarships. We learn from the experiences of students over the years, but have no part in choosing recipients. </p>
<p>Keep in mind the students who post here are only a tiny sample of the applicant pool.</p>
<p>Hi Georgia Girl! Thanks so much for the advice!</p>
<p>Yeah, a lot of the people on CC are pretty high up in the applicant pool, in my experience. I’ve definitely been looking into outside scholarships, too! (: Also I’ve been entering film contests–long shot, but you gotta believe.
Just like applying as a film major…I want a CAREER in that. And my chances of making it there versus SCA is definitely significantly smaller. But if that’s going to stop me from trying, I don’t deserve a place in either.</p>
<p>Thanks again! We’ll just have to see where I am come December 1st! Wish me luck. (:</p>