Scholarship question

<p>Hi!! first time poster, but have been reading for a year and have learned so much!! My son has applied (and been accepted) to Bama, and seriously considering going. He has 31 act and 4.0gpa and wants engineering, so qualifies for the full OOS scholarship (from Tennessee). A few weeks ago he got a letter (we get LOTS of mail from Alabama!) that congratulated him on the 2/3 scholarship he qualifies for, if he were not engineering. He did fill out the scholarship application already, but have never received anything about the engineering scholarship-they know he is engineering for sure BTW. Does that particular engineering scholarship confirmation not arrive til Spring? We know it is supposed to be a sure thing based on the stats, but was worried since no letter came to us about it. We have visited twice this Fall, including the engineering open house, and also went to the presentation given in our city. Bama’s offers are hard to refuse, and have heard of many kids in our city planning to take advantage. I would bet their OOS stats will rise this year, esp. in the engineering dept!</p>

<p>Welcome tenmom!</p>

<p>My D is a current freshman in engineering. I think she received the engineering scholarship notice a little later on in the process. Don’t worry.</p>

<p>Did you enjoy your visits? Is your S interested in the Honors College, CBHP, or UFE? Is he coming in with AP or dual enrollment credits? Bama is very generous with both of those.</p>

<p>My D is having a great time at the school and is doing well in her classes. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I don’t know about Engineering. I would assume that UA v Pres Scholarship would be the same for every Department. A 31 ACT qualifies for UA Scholarship not the Presidential, which is full OOS tuition. I hope I’m wrong but this is my understanding. I do know that there is an additional $2500 scholarship for Engineering that is awarded on stats only. </p>

<p>From the UA Out-of-state Scholarships site: </p>

An out-of-state first time freshman student who meets the December 1st scholarship priority deadline, has a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT score [critical reading and math scores only] and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a UA Scholar and will receive 2/3 tuition for four years.</p>

An out-of-state first-time freshman student who meets the December 1st scholarship priority deadline, has a 32-36 ACT or 1400-1600 SAT score [critical reading and math scores only] and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Presidential Scholar and will receive the value of out-of-state tuition for four years.</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> - Undergraduate Students - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Scholarships”>Scholarships – College of Engineering | The University of Alabama) for lots of info.</p>

<p>Here is the part that relates to Tenmom’s son. </p>

<p>Students who have a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT (math and verbal scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will receive a tuition supplement to bring their University-level scholarship offer up to the value of tuition. In addition, they will receive $2,500 per year for four years.</p>

<p>So there is a bonus for choosing engineering but the student must stay in engineering.</p>

<p>Oh GOOD! That was going to be a huge blow otherwise. Thanks for the correction. The Engineering school is very generous!</p>

<p>Good luck and welcome!</p>

<p>yes, it is the engineering scholarship that I am talking about…that does bump us up to full tuition. the having to stay in engineering is the part I hesitate about…although son has always known he would be math/sciences, he has wavered on exactly where. he narrowed it down to engineering last year, but I worry if he finds it too challenging (he can be very lazy) or not what he expected, we are left with having to pay more than we can afford (when switching majors), and then he has lost all chances at the lottery money tennessee schools offer, and the merit money from the other schools, and cannot transfer back to tennessee. he never wanted to go to a big school, doesn’t like the whole Greek thing, but loved Bama on his visits. I think being in the Honor’s program might make it seem smaller to him. I need this to be his decision, but worry that it is not the best fit. he has good friends also looking at Bama and I think that is why he isn’t so nervous about the “big school” idea…rooming with friends makes it less intimidating. I would bet, but would never say to him, that if his friends all decide to go elsewhere, he may not be so gung-ho. Anybody know how many start off in Engineering and then transfer out for whatever reason?</p>

<p>The eng’g scholarship notifications tend to come at a later pace; they’re coming from the CoE, not the Dept of Scholarships.</p>

<p>If you have any questions…</p>

<p>Contact for College of Engineering Scholarships: Saskia Clayton
Coordinator Engineering Scholarships
(205) 394-7573 or toll-free 800-887-9711</p>

<p>*Students who have a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT (math and verbal scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will receive a tuition supplement to bring their University-level scholarship offer up to the value of tuition. In addition, they will receive $2,500 per year for four years.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>Yup…that’s the bonus for being an Engineering maor or Comp Sci major.</p>

<p>If you’re an engineering/CS major with an ACT 30/3.5, then your remaining costs are quite low! :)</p>

<p>Do they ever offer even more than the Presidential (i.e. housing) to an OOS kid they really want badly?</p>

<p>Last year, there were some very high stats kids who weren’t NMF, and Bama did give them an additional 4500 per year. But I don’t know if that’s happening this year.</p>

<p>Also, the non-NMF students who get selected for CBH and UFE often get an additional scholarship.</p>

<p>What is your child’s major? </p>

<p>Is he applying to CBH or UFE?</p>

<p>He will major in electrical engineering. Doubt he will apply to UFE. If I understand correctly, UFE is more of a community service type of program, giving back to the Alabama community. Is that correct? Would that be appropriate for an engineering major from NY? How would CBH work for him?</p>

<p>As an engineering major, he gets an additional 2500 per year.</p>

<p>CBH would be best for him. That’s the Computer-based Honors Program. It’s a bit of a misnomer…it’s really a research-based program. It’s not a computer science program which some assume.</p>

<p>UA HONORS COLLEGE [Honors</a> College - Home](<a href=“]Honors”> </p>

<p>More info about Honors College
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I have twins, both accepted to UA for engineering. Their engineering scholarship letters came in the mail today!!


<p>Oh good!!! That means that they’re getting sent! </p>

<p>*Anyway I have twins and twin girl received a letter saying she got the 2/3 tuition.

<p>Wow…looks like both now have full tuition scholarships plus 2500 per year! That’s a great deal for 2 kids!! :slight_smile: And both can be in the Honors College.</p>

<p>Is Bama the best deal so far that they’ve been offered??? Will they get a better offer anywhere else?</p>

<p>Edited to add…I think you’re in Georgia, so I guess they’d get free tuition HOPE for Georgia Tech???</p>

<p>M2CK…any idea what they based the extra $4500 scholarship on for the OOS kids? It would pretty much seal the deal for my son if he got that. As it is, he is currently looking at 3 other schools as well…all of which are in Michigan. An extra $4500 would help cover travel expenses for him. :)</p>

Very high test scores.</p>

<p>What are your son’s scores.?</p>

<p>He didn’t do great the PSAT…thus no NMSF or NMF. </p>

<p>His ACT scores:
32 Composite
35 Math
31 Reading
31 Science
29 Combined English/Writing</p>

<p>He only took the ACT once. If there’s a chance for more $$, he can take it again.</p>

<p>It may be too late to retake for more scholarship money, but he could try.</p>

<p>Bama enrolls about 500 frosh each year with the Presidential…so it would take a higher ACT (or SAT equivalent) for consideration for any bonus money. Last year, the ones who reported getting the extra money had ACT 35 and 36.</p>

<p>I think that you are correct about the extra scholarship money, M2CK. My son has a 36 ACT, and received a letter last week offering an extra $4000 scholarship.</p>


<p>OK…there you go! Extra $4k for those with super stats! :slight_smile: Last year, I think someone with a 35 posted a similar award.</p>

<p>BTW…congrats to your S for the ACT 36! Awesome!</p>

<p>If your child gets into CBH or UFE, he might get offered more.</p>

<p>That’s awesome, congratulations! I wish my son would have re-taken the ACT. He is a ‘good enough’ kind of kid - doesn’t push himself too much (and 32 was good enough for him!) I probably should have put more pressure on him to retake. I am sure he could have increased it at least a couple of points.</p>