Scholarship Question

Hi All,

First time making a post on College Confidential. I’m a high school senior recently admitted to Purdue with a Presidential Scholarship of 10k a year (I’m OOS). Looking at my current grades, I have to say I am a bit concerned of whether I would be able to keep this scholarship amount by the time college starts. Will a single C potentially result in losing this scholarship by any chance? (Never had a C in the previous 3 years) Of course I am trying my best to bring the C up to at least a B, but anyways just curious.



What gpa was required for the scholarship? What gpa will you have if you get a C? Yes, you can lose a scholarship is your gpa falls below the requirement.

@2023CollegeBound Purdue would not have offered you this scholarship if you couldn’t do it. I went to school on scholarship as well, many moons ago, and remember feeling very stressed about needing to keep up my average. Just focus on studying 5x more than partying, and be sure to go to office hours or the T.A. if you don’t understand the course material. It is natural to be a bit apprehensive…but you can do it!!

I believe it is a 3.00 average in order to renew this scholarship each year at Purdue. However, I found no info on what is needed to keep this scholarship by the time college starts (I am not finished with high school yet). I have been told that as long as I do not get rescinded from the Purdue, the scholarship itself will remain? Sorry for any confusion.