Scholarship Security?

<p>I became interested in UA after I was named a NMSF, and I’ve heard all positive things about the University since then. However, finance is a huge part of my decision. I know UA offers a great deal of money in scholarships (assuming I become a NMF). But how secure is that money? I looked into ASU, but their scholarships must be renewed on a yearly basis-- so if (due to the economy) they experienced a huge cut, there’s no guarantee that they could redeem a scholarship for the next year. Could something like this happen at UA?</p>

<p>once you are offered a 4 year scholarship from Bama and you accept it and enroll, Bama won’t withdraw it unless you fail to maintain a 3.0 GPA - which is typical of many schools. (so always balance your semester schedule with a combo of demanding classes and easier classes!!)</p>

<p>if Bama were to ever change a scholarship, it would only affect future students, not those who currently possess scholarships. So, if you accept the current offer and maintain your grades, then it’s yours for 8 semesters!</p>

<p>So…congrats on being named a NMSF! And…we’re glad that you are considering Bama…awesome school, gorgeous campus, and really nice super suites honors housing (which your NMF scholarship will cover!)</p>

<p>What is your likely major? What state are you from?</p>

<p>Thanks very much for the info!</p>

<p>I’m from Colorado, and I’m more or less undecided about my major, though leaning in the international affairs/business/political science area. Definitely shying away from math and science (as I’ve discovered the hard way, believe me)… Considering pre-law.</p>

<p>Also (because I don’t want to start another thread) do you know a lot about the Computer Based Honors Program? I’ve been researching it, but the description was somewhat vague.</p>

<p>My son is in the computer-based honors program (or CBH). This is his second year, and he loves it. The first year, you learn two computer languages, Fortran and C++. These are two common languages used in research. CBH is a research program. As a sophomore, you will be researching with/for a professor. My son is working with an economics professor. His suite mates have worked for a chem professor. Another friend is working with an engineering professor. You do not have to work in your major, but many students do. Some students will continue with the same project throughout their college careers.</p>

<p>My older son loved CBH. He’s a senior, so he’s done with CBH (altho you can do it for 8 semesters if you want).</p>

<p>It’s a research honors program. You can either do research with a prof in your own major or another area that interests you. </p>

<p>All majors can be in CBH. :slight_smile: And, Bama seems to like choosing NMFs for CBH (that’s just something I’ve noticed.)</p>

<p>Bama is really good for those who are Pre-Law. Bama has a Tier I law school.</p>

<p>As you know, a pre-law student can major in whatever he/she wants, but the following advice from the Alabama School of Law is good to follow no matter which law school you end up at…</p>

<p>The Law School does not require applicants to have specialized in any particular academic majors or subject areas closely related to law during their undergraduate education. However, potential law students should choose courses that will enhance their abilities in the areas of critical thinking, oral and written expression, and logical and analytical reasoning. Applicants considering law school are encouraged to enroll in a broad range of courses that will help develop these skills. </p>

<p>So, it’s a good idea to have a college curriculum that includes the following courses… (these can be within a major, minor, general education, or electives.)</p>

<p>writing courses
critical thinking philosophy courses
deductive logic philosophy courses
maybe some business and econ classes
some science classes
some math classes
communication/speech class
literature courses</p>

<p>Hey, I’m an international studies major with the intent to go to law school! (:</p>

<p>LonDubh, if at all possible go visit the UA campus. You won’t be sorry!</p>

<p>“yearly basis” scholarships are rarer than four year ones, at least from what ive seen</p>

<p>How many scholarships actually increase the offering after the student has committed? Not only was the Pres. Award guaranteed for eight semesters (provided you meet the GPA), but the max. hours was raised from 16/semester to 20+ :)</p>

<p>Yes…and as you mentioned, the Presidential and UA Scholar scholarships increase if tuition increases.</p>

<p>So what if I’m interested in several honors programs (Ex: International Honors and University Fellows). Can I apply to all of them and then choose which one I want to “attend,” or do I have to choose now and only apply to one?</p>

<p>You can apply to all.</p>

<p>Some kids are in all 4. You can be in more than one.</p>

<p>CBHP and UFE have competitive admissions.</p>

<p>^wow you can be in all four?</p>

<p>So would I have to attend every honors program I applied to, or could I choose between them if I wanted to? (Ex: I’m interested in the international honors program, but I’m not positive about it. If I am accepted to it, would I be obligated to be in it?)</p>

<p>You can apply to all 4. </p>

<p>2 program admit by stats. The other 2 have competitive admissions.</p>

<p>If you are accepted to both of the competitive admissions honors (UFE and CBHP), you can be in both or you can decline one. Some kids are in both UFE and CBHP.</p>

<p>Some kids are in all four honors programs. There is no rule preventing a student from being in all 4 programs.</p>

<p>M2CK: The only thing that prevents the students from completing the four programs is exhaustion. As you pointed out, each has its set of requirements. There are a handful at Alabama who will try to do all four programs.</p>

<p>Very true…</p>

<p>I was really just making the point that a student isn’t limited by Bama to only be in one or two honors programs. Many think a student can’t be in CBH and UFE (or the other programs), but that’s not true.</p>

<p>“Once you are offered a 4 year scholarship from Bama and you accept it and enroll, Bama won’t withdraw it unless you fail to maintain a 3.0 GPA”.</p>

<p>I think you have to maintain a 3.3 GPA if you are on a NMF scholarship.</p>


<p>I don’t think so… Why do you think that?</p>

<p>You might be confused with honors program.</p>

<p>Actually I recall Jamie Gates mentioning the 3.3 requirement for the NMF scholarship, as well.</p>