Scholarship/Senior Year Grades

<p>I’m basically 99% sure that I’m going to Bama at this point, but now I’m having a concern. I have a presidential scholarship, which I just barely received – my school doesn’t weight and uses a weird grading scale, so I had to have my college counselor write a letter telling UA how to correctly calculate my GPA, and I think it came out to about a 3.54 UW – I just made it.</p>

<p>I’m starting to struggle with my senior year classes now, due to a mixture of some senioritis and the fact that I’m taking what is considered a very difficult course load at my school. If my GPA for this year is lower than usual (not terrible, but it could come out to about a B-average), would I be in danger of losing my scholarship? That is, if UA were to look at my final senior grades and calculate a four-year GPA for me, and it came out to a 3.3, for instance, would they take away the scholarship? Or would they only take it away in the case of someone who had an extreme drop in their grades, was clearly slacking, etc?</p>

<p>I’d like to figure this out because if I could be in danger of losing my scholarship, I’ll drop one or two of my more difficult classes – I would hate to do that just to protect my GPA, but it’s obviously a better option than not having the scholarship.</p>

<p>I don’t think your Presidential scholarship can be taken away for a dip in senior year grades since the scholarship is based on grades of 9-11 only! NO where does it state that senior grades get considered.</p>

<p>Of course, if you flunked out, then your admission could be revoked…but that’s not what you’re worried about. :)</p>

<p>So…calm down… :slight_smile: But, do the best you can…only a few more months to go.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids, you are the bestest! :)</p>

<p><em>Takes a deep breath</em></p>

<p>Thank you, m2ck!! I was in the middle of enjoying my senioritis, rubbing it in the faces of those who have to keep up their grades because they’re hoping for an Ivy, when my roommate-to-be pointed out that you need a 3.5 for the scholarship. I immediately panicked, despite knowing that they only consider grades 9-11. I will certainly keep my grades up to the best of my ability, but it’s a lot less stress when you know a bad grade isn’t going to cost you $80,000~!</p>

<p>Thank you for always being here to save the day! :)</p>


<p>Here are the cogent passages to provide your attorney, should your Presidential Scholarship be revoked for mild-moderate senioritis:</p>


<p>“An out-of-state first-time freshman student who meets the December 1st scholarship priority deadline, has a 32-36 ACT or 1400-1600 SAT score and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Presidential Scholar and WILL receive the value of out-of-state tuition for four years.”</p>

<p>Source: [Out-of-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Out-of-State”></p>

<li>"If my high school GPA is below the required GPA for the Capstone, Collegiate, UA Scholar, or Presidential Scholarship, and I raise it during my senior year in high school, will it be reviewed for the scholarship offer?</li>

<p>No. Grade point averages for 9th through 11th grade are the only years reviewed for these scholarships."</p>

<p>Source: [FAQ</a> - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]FAQ”>Frequently Asked Questions – Scholarships | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>So, keep your chin up, your nose to the grindstone, and welcome to Bama. We’ve followed some of your journey on this forum. Glad to have y’all join us.</p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>Thank you, malanai! I should clarify that the official party line is, “I’m keeping an open mind until I receive all college decisions in April.” I’m also currently deciding whether I have too much pride to lie to my parents and tell them I got rejected from every other school I applied to. Regardless, I know in my heart that it has to be Bama. I’ve picked out my dorm, found roommates (one of whom happens to be my twin, the southern version of myself; we’ve already decided we’re soulmates who were destined to be roommates and it’s fate that we found each other), checked out flights, planned Bama Bound, and I couldn’t be more excited for next August.</p>

<p>I would never have gotten to this point without all of the help I’ve received on this forum. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I received the presidential scholarship to Alabama, i have a 3.8 GPA and a 32 act with a super score of 35 math 34 English 34 science and 31 reading. There were some complications and i might fail a few classes this year. Will i get my scholarship rescinded even if i like visit them and have an interview or something???</p>

<p>if you like fail a few classes, like how will you even graduate?</p>

<p>Please understand you need to keep a minimum GPA at UA to retain the scholarship. If you’ve qualified at end of junior year, you’ll get it, but best to address your issues before starting college. You wouldn’t want to start and then have to leave because you can no longer afford it if you lose scholarship.</p>

<p>For scholarships do you have to have the test scores required or will they go a little lower? I’m worried that I won’t get a scholarship because of my test score I have a 3.9 GPA</p>

<p>As far as I know it’s have a certan gpa and a certain ACT/SAT for each scholarship level. If you are just a little off take the test again.</p>

<p>Keep in mind what the last test date for a standardised test is in order to count for UA admissions versus UA scholarships. For scholarships, this info is taken from the UA website: [Entering</a> Freshman Students - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Entering”> </p>

<p>“The scholarship priority date is December 1 (the application should be submitted online by Dec. 1 and any required materials sent by mail should be postmarked no later than Dec. 1). This means that the national October ACT and national November SAT results are the last college entrance examination results accepted for students who wish to be considered for scholarships.”</p>



<p>What is your test score? You won’t get an assured scholarship, but you might get one of the competitive scholarships…there’s no way of knowing. those scholarships are awarded in the late winter/early spring. </p>

<p>While your GPA is high, test scores really make the difference in regards to scholarships. </p>

<p>Sometimes when a student has an ACT 29 or similar SAT and just misses the 2/3 tuition scholarship, then Bama awards a half tuition scholarship…but that’s not assured.</p>

<p>As far as I know it’s have a certan gpa and a certain ACT/SAT for each scholarship level. If you are just a little off take the test again.</p>

<p>If this student is a senior, then it’s too late for that. Bama has been known to sometimes make an exception and accept a Nov or Dec ACT if the score is REALLY high, but we’ve never seen Bama accept a score after the New Year…especially if the score only gets into the lower scholarship range. </p>

<p>One of the only times I’ve seen Bama make an exception was a student got an ACT 34 on the Nov test, sent a nice note to the school, and an exception was made. So, the school obviously determined that they’d rather have the ACT 34 student on campus (and report that score) then have her enroll elsewhere. </p>

<p>Decisions like this are made based on how the student benefits the school. Obviously, the school would report that score if the student enrolled, and that student’s score helps “lift” the middle quartiles, so an exception can be justified.</p>

<p>Phillygirl, You will get at least full tuition for being a National Merit Semifinalist, so that portion of your scholarship is safe. </p>

<p>Did you get all your paper work in for National Merit? Was your SAT score above 1970? If you are named a finalist in February you will also receive one year of housing plus the other perks.</p>

<p>Philly girl…</p>

<p>Now that I’ve looked at your past posts, I don’t understand your question.</p>

<p>You’re a NMSF. Did you do the NMSF paperwork?</p>

<p>Even if you stay a NMSF then you get the Presidential scholarship. Which scholarship did you think that your scores weren’t high enough for???</p>

<p>No I’m not a NMSF I missed it by the smallest margin. My college counselor told me . My act best score was a 25.</p>

<p>Didn’t you have a 215 on your junior year PSAT and you live in Pennsylvania?</p>


<p>In another post you wrote that you got a 215 in PA. That’s high enough for NMSF. If you did get a 215, then your GC is wrong. </p>

<p>What was your PSAT score? if it was close to a 215, then you really should have taken the SAT since you’re stronger with that testing format.</p>

<p>did you take the SAT? </p>

<p>With an ACT 25, it’s doubtful that you’d get much scholarship money based purely on academics.</p>

<p>It seems odd to me that you could get ~215 on the PSAT and get 25 on the ACT.</p>

<p>There’s a good correlation between ACT and SAT results.</p>

<p>[Relation</a> Between ACT and SAT Scores on StatCrunch](<a href=“StatCrunch”>StatCrunch)</p>

<p>I’m new to this site and was wondering will I get at least some type of scholarship if I have a 3.94 GPA and a 24 act and a 1050 sat between math and reading ?</p>