Scholarship Weekend class of 2021 Decision

Our daughter attended the first weekend (2/24-2/25).

She received notice yesterday at 3:31pm Pacific Time, that she received a Singer Scholarship (full tuition), which will replace her $25k per year President’s Scholarship. In addition, she was invited to join the Foote Fellows Honors Program.

She is so excited!

Hopefully others will be getting notification soon!

hi SoCal11, my daughter also received notification yesterday that she will receive the Singer if she attends UM. So exciting and we are so proud of her. There are a lot of things for her at UM between her major selection of marine science and the financial help of the scholarship. We are from Ohio, how about you?

Southern California

I’m from Charlotte and also received the Singer as well

How many interviews were there and were the interview questions difficult?

I am attending on match 24 and hoping for singer

I received Singer and was invited to Foote Fellows as well!

Daughter attended last weekend and was notified by e-mail today that she is the recipient of a Singer Scholarship and a Foote Fellow!

Has anybody heard anything about the STAMPS Scholarship?

I assume that it is still an option for Singer recipients?

During the first weekend program, our daughter was told they would know in 2 to 4 weeks. This weekend will be 2 weeks from her scholarship weekend. It appears some Singer recipients were notified one week after their weekend.

Harryp17, There is 1 interview and it is called a “faculty conversation.” Very low stress, just casual conversation with an administrator from your major and a Foote Fellow. They will probably answer questions from your essays and you are free to ask questions as well. They may ask you to talk a bit about yourself , but no extremely difficult questions. Best of luck !

I received the Singer and was invited to Foote Fellows as well!