Scholarships for CS majors

<p>(I'm posting this thread here because I think parents might have slightly different advice than other students, but I'll move it if necessary-- thanks!)</p>

<p>I'm a college sophomore majoring in computer science right now and I'm looking around at all the biology (and bioengineering, biochemistry, chemistry...) majors and wondering how to compete with their impressive accomplishments when it comes to applying for distinguished scholarships. I've been doing research since my freshman year, but I didn't have a lot of CS experience coming in, so I'm still climbing the learning curve (no publications yet, haha). I would love to win a scholarship like the Goldwater or Truman, since I'm really interested in research, but I can't see myself wanting to do significant medicine- or health-related research, which seems to be what most scholars get recognized for (that and of course the conferences they present at, publications and awards they get, activities they participate in...). Instead, I'm interested in AI and its applications.</p>

<p>Do any parents have stories of students who were non-biology-related STEM majors and successfully earned one of these distinguished scholarships/fellowships? Were they significantly accomplished before college? What did they pursue in college? How soon did they get started, and is it too late for me?</p>

<p>thanks in advance!</p>