Scholarships for Strings

HI My daughter is a violinist and has excellent academics standing. She has dedicated the last 8 years to music and is a talented musician. however she realizes the difficulties and hardship pursuing a career in music. She wants to continue playing but would like to explore other fields. My question is does anyone know what colleges offer scholarships for music students that are not majoring in music. She would like too continue playing in college and pursue a major in the medical field.

It varies widely, depending on the school. The music schools/departments often disclose this information on their websites.

We live in the mid-west and my daughter, a violist, auditioned at 8 schools. 6 were small liberal arts schools. None of the smaller schools required her to major in music to receive a talent scholarship, although some offered larger scholarships if she would major. She also auditioned at 2 state schools. Both required her to major in music and did not offer scholarships to non-majors or minors (although many state schools do give talent scholarships to minors.)

My daughter contacted the music schools directly and asked. All of the were very upfront about how their scholarships worked and the requirements to earn/keep them.

Have you asked this in the music major subforum?

Check out Case Western Reserve Univ… big on medical related majors and many students are also into music:

Arts Achievement Awards
A small number of scholarships of $10,000 per year are available to students who exhibit excellence in either music or studio art, regardless of whether they will major in those areas. All students who audition for the B.A. in Music or the B.S. in Music Education will be considered for these highly competitive scholarships, and students not wishing to major in music can also be considered for an Arts Achievement Award in music by submitting an online audition video (see our Application Procedures page).