Scholarships in the humanities

i think you misinterpreted what i said. i hate cut-throat culture (because my high school is just that and it’s quite stressful). i realized that being academically exceptional and having a cut-throat mentality are two completely different things. brown seems to have the former but not the latter. i love the open curriculum, libraries, orgs etc. (but this isn’t the match me thread). i think cut-throat culture isn’t a good guideline to go by, but certainly to what extent people are enjoying learning stuff is.
my in-state flagship is Rutgers, but i don’t want to go there (i would like to enjoy somewhere other than NJ). of course exceptional humanities students are identifiable, but i would like to attend a school where there are more than, for example, one of them.

thank you so much.
part-time jobs seem to be extremely helpful, so i will make sure to lock one down for sure. i think that’s more possible than relying on getting scholarships.

You are going to find “academically exceptional” students everywhere. And they will be easier to identify in the humanities than they will be in other departments, because NOBODY is studying Akkadian/Sumerian with an eye towards working at the British Museum because they are looking for “easy A’s” or to get their ticket punched!

i completely agree with you on this. reiterating, there are places without this person, and there are places with this person (or multiple). i have been looking at colleges solely based on fit (academic exceptionality i guess could be reworded as “how much people, on average, are invested into what they are learning”. since i am, i would prefer to be in the company of people who also are.)

I worry when you say you’re upper middle class but have an EFC of $26k. Generally those don’t go together. I hope your family filled it out so that you don’t get a surprise after completing the CSS profile.

Don’t know who has Japanese - will let you research but W&L has a Japanese tea room. For those who need more money than they have, it’s always worth a shot if you have a common slot left. Same with SMU but these are financial decisions.

Then I’m going to throw a school out and don’t cringe. It’s not the only but to give a cost example. With a 3.95, U of Arizona will give you $30k off $40k tuition. It has an Honors College and the dorm is unreal. All in it’s in that $26k range. There are others - even less in cost than that for a student of your caliber.

I always worry with the NPCs - did the family fill it out right.

I went and read your chance me and you are wonderful.

So let’s say you take add some likelies - a Connecticut, Occidental, Lafayette, etc. but then the #s come back - and it’s actually $40 or $50k and you can’t afford any.

Whether it’s a large, medium, or small school you have to ensure you have one that you can afford. When you say upper middle class and we all define that term differently, I’m not thinking $26k to any school based on need.

Great student. I wish you well.

Also I found this googling Japanese American Scholarship. You might see if there are more.

Edit adding a 2nd link


my net price was $26k. sorry for the misleading information.

i shall be applying to a lot of Japanese-American scholarships, and a lot of likelies i have in sight (or targets/high targets) seem to be pretty nice in terms of financial aid.

thank you for the well wishes too.

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It’s not misleading.

What I’m saying is the NPCs are an estimate. When your family does the real process - submits the CSS profile which is very detailed - what if the # comes in higher. The NPC is a fast exercise and often families fill it in with guesses or incomplete info.

I would ensure you have a school - I used Arizona but can be any - that will assure you meet cost in case your family’s entries into the NPCs weren’t 100% accurate.

Here’s the Johnson - gorgeous campus, and more importantly great aid so take a look.

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Oh please. Are you suggesting that IF you attended Rutgers, you would be the only exceptional humanities student enrolled there?

If you can’t afford to attend a college…it does you no good to be accepted. Have your parents given you a firm dollar amount they will spend annually on college for you? If not…get that amount.

And as I said…some net price calculator results INCLUDE the federally funded $5500 direct loan. So check. Because you can’t get that more than once.

I haven’t seen your chance me thread…but if you are a very strong applicant, there are many smaller LACs that DO give merit aid that might be worth a look see.

  • of course not. i don’t want to go to rutgers for pretty selfish reasons (a lot of people from my HS will be going there; i would love to live somewhere other than New Jersey).
    – edit: i am not opposed, per se, to rutgers… just that there are many better schools out there for my profile.
  • my parents are willing to chip in 15k a year.
  • as for brown, the NPC says 26k a year excluding federal loans. 11k - 5,500 on federal loans… that leaves 5,500 to scholarships and summer work, which might be attainable based on what i heard in this thread.
  • there are very good LACs with good aid. they are on my radar, 100%.
    thanks for your help!

that being said:
are there any good literature-specific scholarships? i can’t seem to find reasonable ones on search engines, so could anybody studying literature chip in to share their experience?

Please check Brown’s policy on outside scholarships. At many, if not most colleges getting an outside scholarship reduces your need, and therefore reduces your need based aid. You are required to report ALL outside scholarships to the college you are attending. Schools have varying policies on how they deal with this. But it’s unlikely that for the schools you listed that you will be able to keep the full outside scholarships added to your need based aid. But do check.

If you think you can make up this shortfall in funding…get a part time job…now. Actually, you should have had one all summer (did you?).


Do you have a chances thread with your stats, etc? Your profile is private so we can’t access it that way. It would be helpful to see your strengths in order to give decent info about even scholarships at the college level.

Here’s Brown’s outside scholarship policy. Benefit in that they will reduce student’s expected summer or work earnings first. After that, they decrease need based grant aid dollar for dollar. OP should research this policy at all schools on this list.

Outside Funding and Scholarships

Private outside scholarships and employee tuition benefits are encouraged and can be used to reduce the student’s expected summer earnings, and/or student employment. If the amount of outside assistance a student receives exceeds the total amount of these two components, then University Scholarship will be reduced, dollar for dollar. (In this case students may want to learn more about buying a computer.) Government-based entitlement offers (e.g. state scholarships and federal grants) will also result in a dollar-for-dollar reduction to University Scholarship and do not impact the student contribution.


That is not $26.5k. That’s $32.1k and the loans increase. Not inexpensive as they have to be paid back.

Why literature scholarships ? You have so many to work on now and the likelihood of getting any is little.

Have you looked at U of Iowa ? Yes it’s big and I don’t know what kind of aid it gives but it’s near tops in literature.

What are your plans after college ?


I’m no expert on IOWA, but I suspect this student would get decent merit aid there. @Mwfan1921 domyou know?

@AustenNut is usually outstanding at finding colleges with the right majors, and the right cost points…as well as a variety of acceptance points.


i posted the link above.

uiowa could come up on my radar ngl. but then there’s bowdoin, which is 11k/year (i know it will be inflated but that’s still very good)… maybe i’ll consider that heavily.
as for after college, i really do not know. i don’t think it’s unreasonable to figure out during college.

I think you can apply wherever…and see. But please please…don’t guilt your parents into paying more than they feel they can reasonably afford for your college years. Please.

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It’s about $46k tuition room and board. This student will get merit. $14k needed to equal what they think the cost is at Brown and in Iowa it’s likely off campus housing for future years is less than on.

It’s a top school for all things English. On their websiteL:

More than 40 Pulitzer Prize winners. Seven U.S. Poets Laureate. Countless award-winning playwrights, screenwriters, journalists, translators, novelists and poets.

Iowa surpasses Harvard, Princeton as No. 2 for writing.


i will not do that. that is the last thing i’ll do. i’m not going to be sadistic.
besides, i’ve learned jobs can go a long way…

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i’m going to investigate a bit more into their comparative literature dept.
they do seem to offer classes, which is nice.

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